Calendar Timeline
Week 1:
- Come up with idea/proposal
Week 2:
- Full Game Outline (Brief)
- Chapter 1(Demo) Outline
- Research
Week 3:
- Character Design
- Setting/World Design
- Research
Week 4:
- Mechanics (Coming up with in game play)
- Character Sheet
- Mock Up Blue Prints (Setting)
- Art Assets
Week 5:
- Art Assets
- Simple Prototype
- Graphs(forgot words)
Week 6:
- Art Assets
- Initial Prototype (RPG Maker)
Week 7:
- Art Assets
Week 8:
- Art Assets
Week 9:
- Art Assets
- Mechanics
Week 10:
- Animation?
- Mechanics
Week 11:
- Music?
Week 12:
- Mechanics
Week 13:
- Alpha Launch
- PlayTesting
Week 14:
- Tweaking
Week 15:
- Launch