4 Images I Wanted to Talk About
This is an image I made in Blender about 2 years ago. I chose this image not only due to the emotional attachment I have with it. It is because this is was solidified my love for game design and world-building. This also taught me about the power of colors in the world, I chose pink to draw the viewer’s eyes to the middle because the main attraction is the man but to show his power that’s why he stands above all around him. This shows my proficiency with color dynamics and being able to operate in a Vector 3 environment.
This was something I made in Fusion 360 last semester. The wooden ring box is made from 2 oak boxes that will be CNC. The box is supposed to be difficult to open to show love is complex but fulfilling. The box is entirely 3D printed with the filament and will be easily assembled after printed. This was supposed to be a gift to my loved one but Covid-19 occurred and I was never able to print it. This shows again me being able to operate in a Vector 3 environment but one that’s more geometrically strict.
I chose this not only due to its comedic appearance but because this is what I’ve been doing in my free time with Covid-19 and it pertains to this class. I got an internship recently and with nothing to do with the travel I’ve been playing pokemon go. I’ve loved pokemon for a while, ever since I was a child, and when pokemon go came out I played as much as possible but then I dropped it. Traveling around a lot made me pick it up again and I say its worth it. This class will help me be able to understand this game intimately and hopefully recreate it. ( Link of pnghttps://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/07/how-covid-19-transformed-pokemon-go-into-pokemon-stay-at-home/ )
This is the great Rene Descartes. This is the philosopher that made me question reality one point in my life and sparked my curiosity about philosophy as a whole. I wish to create a type of immersive VR or AR game revolving around his 2 topics of intellectual perception and the mind-body problem to make the game as intense as possible to the viewer. I believe philosophy has a huge part in video games because they usually lay the foundation of the game giving it more depth and meaning. (link to image https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/73/Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_Ren%C3%A9_Descartes.jpg )
Assignment 2
Step 1 right-click the assets folder to create 2 materials. Then right-click the material to change the color.
Step 2 right-click the hierarchy to create 2 3D objects (Sphere, Cube, and Terrian)
Step 3 drag the material to color the 3D objects
Step 4 click the terrain in the hierarchy, then click the paintbrush under Terrian to lift it up and give it a mountain look
Use and Misuse of a Technological Device (Camera)
(Link) https://newatlas.com/nintendo-ds-digital-slr-controller/14746/
(Link) https://weirdomatic.com/8-weird-but-effective-tips-on-how-to-spy-on-someone.html
The technological device I decided to talk about today is the camera. The camera is an invention that revolutionized the world for being able to take a moment in time and being able to save it or even a complete video of an event and keep it forever. The camera uses are the ways that it keeps time in a form that people can look back and share it other people; how the camera can bring people closer together by sharing event sand moments that the other person doesn’t even have to be there to experience is what makes the usage of it so cool. The way the video or photo has been used also affects the device. People have mainstreamed cameras as a staple tech for home security and defense against crime to scare people or even help the police after the crime has been committed.
The camera has also been used down a more immoral path. A major problem with cameras is that people could use them to invade people’s privacy without there permission. This is the misuses of camera’s something that meant for protection, now is being used for the complete opposite invasion. This irony isn’t the only one there is also the fact that it is used in public ways to survey people in public making them feel like they are under constant watch to act and behave in a manner obedient to the man.
Terrian Tutorial
Step1-Go to Hierarchy and add terrain through 3D object tab
Step2-click camera go to brushes and sculpt the world you want with whatever brush to raise or lower
Step3-After sculpting go to layers and add what textures you downloaded to give the terrain personality
Step4-If you want to add trees go to terrain in tab select paint trees then select what trees you downloaded and want to add
Step5-To add grass same process as the tress but you select paint details
Inspiration (I made mine after an image I saw of the Oregon forest fire)
Anime XR: Psycho-Pass
This is a psychological anime that plays on the common agreed-upon ethical/moral dilemmas virtues that society deems norm. These cops use these weapons called dominators that can stun a person or kill them depending on their aggression and mental state to how close they are willing to commit crimes. The tech is able to predict whether a person will or won’t commit a crime.
The dominator
The purpose of the dominator is to keep peace among the masses when law enforcement is involved. These weapons are used to stop people before they commit a crime with non-lethal suppression and help them seek help before it gets worst. They use this mental AR overlay on their current vision of the enforcer only, which doesn’t work for regular people.
It’s designed to look like a futuristic gun that opens up and shoots, also has a voice feedback system to it. No other show from what I see uses tech on this level.
The only way it was hacked is in the anime they created this helmet that was able to block out the ability to read the person so the gun wouldn’t become lethal or detainment mode. Depending a lot on your mental state, depending on what you consider ethical or moral decides on the gun reads you.
This Tech doesn’t exist in real life, well not or now. I don’t think I would improve on this tech because it is so controversial and the ethical/moral values of this start to manipulate people. I would like to leave this tech in the realm of fiction
Youtube Video Seeing it in action: https://youtu.be/bxlQrDZ5elA
Artivive: Supreme
Step 1: Find the video you want and the image you want. Video will look better with a green screen. And download on your phone the artivive app
Step 2: Make Artivive account
Step 3: Go to make artwork
Step 4: On the left add image, on the right add video
Step 5: On the bottom go to the middle checkbox to add a green-screen effect. Change fades to.9
Step 6: Press Process and let it process.
Step 7: Open the artivive app and try it out
Astronomer To Pasithea-7
Check out the Alpha and now check out the Beta
- The Alpha Version of this game was a simple flick and move the spaceman around experience
- Moving forward now is where I add the story to make it a more interactive story
- I have to first fix my document then fix my game
- Fix the GDD to keep up with game
- fix game so it’s not laggy
- add more to the alpha at least get it to beta
- Be impressed with yourself
- Beta Version
- I added more sound
- Added text elements to feel with someone
- Added animations to make things more festive
- Declared it a Beta Version