Self-Reflective Narrative



This semester I attended my clinical rotations at the Stein Senior Center located in New York, NY. The focus of this course was Community Health Nursing. Listed below are the 9 clinical objectives my peers and I aimed to successfully accomplish by the end of the semester.

Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance.

It is important that a Registered Nurse represent oneself in a professional manner. As prudent nurses we must treat each and every client with courtesy and respect. When communicating with clients we must be non-judgmental and communicate therapeutically. As health care professionals, it is vital that we dress professionally, arrive in a timely manner, participate and collaborate with our peers. This semester I arrived to clinical in a timely manner to show respect for my professor, my peers, and the clients whom I served. I dressed professionally in black slacks, a dress shirt, shoes, well-groomed nails and hair. I made sure to collaborate with my peers at every pre-conference meeting in efforts to reach our daily goals.


Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.

The Stein Senior Center is not an inpatient clinical setting therefore; I did not administer medications. Instead I spent most of my time at the center engaging in physical activities, performing blood pressure screenings, and helping serve the seniors lunch.


Objective 3: Effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in a community setting.

In every successful nurse-patient relationship communication is key. During my clinical rotation I utilized the communication techniques I have learned since my very first nursing foundation course. Every morning I greeter every senior I encountered, in doing so I aspired to establish good rapport with them. While speaking with the seniors when I took their blood pressures I made sure to keep good eye contact, listen actively, use open-ended questions, and allowed the client to openly ask for my feedback.

Objective 4: Establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice.


While taking blood pressures I educated clients on the risk factors of hypertension and lifestyle modifications based on evidence-based practice that they could implement to reduce their risk. The seniors were very eager to learn and implement the lifestyle modifications. I would often find myself spending on average 5-10 minutes with each senior to provide adequate education.

Objective 5: Utilize informational technology.

While at the Stein Senior Center I utilized informational technology in a few ways. Every morning I utilized the computers on site to research the contact information for the politicians and vendors we invited to participate in our Wellness In The City Health Fair. During my rotation of blood pressure screenings I utilized my sphygmomanometer to measure the seniors blood pressures. When the reading was out of range I would then assess the medications the client was prescribed by their primary doctors. In assessing their medications I found that many of them were on medications that they had little knowledge of. I then proceeded to use my medication drug guide app on my personal cellular phone to educate them on the use, action, side effects, and adverse effects of the medications.

Objective 6: Demonstrate a commitment to professional development.

I aimed to accomplish this goal by stepping out of my comfort zone by engaging, speaking, and educating every senior I encountered this semester while at the Stein Senior Center. By using all of my acquired knowledge academically and through experience I believe I have accomplished this goal. I stretched myself academically further then I ever dreamed of in

Objective 7: Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice.


Being a prudent nurse means that a nurse must adhere to ethical standards, professional nursing codes and the standards of care. I adhered to the standards of practice and ethical codes while at the Stein Center. I treated every client fairly, maintained respect of their autonomy, remained truthful, and set out to seek justice when the circumstances called for it. I advocated for my clients when they could not do so for themselves. For example while serving lunch I served a client whom was having difficulty chewing and therefore asked that I bring her a plate of vegetables and cottage cheese only. After returning her original plate of vegetables and spare ribs to the kitchen, the busy server did not have time to remake a special plate. I then asked where I could find the items to do it myself and serve it to her. When I brought her back the plate as she requested in a very quickly manner she smiled, hugged me, and thanked me. This experience reminded me of why I choose Nursing as a profession.

Objective 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team.


While at the center I often educated the clients in choosing healthier lifestyle changes. Very seldom did the clients attend the center with family or friends but when their support systems were present I was sure to include them in on the plan of care and goal setting objectives.




Objective 9: Recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services. 


What stood out to me the most that I learned through my experience at the Stein Senior Center was the unfortunate economic and social gaps for seniors right here in my native city. The seniors whom attend the Stein Center attend it to get a low priced meal and the opportunity to socialize with others their age. I am now aware of the gaps in the NYC area and hope that the Wellness In The City Health fair we have put together allows the seniors access to vital information within their community.




In conclusion, I really enjoyed my clinical rotation at the Stein Senior Center. I am now aware of the crucial role a community health nurse plays in assuring that the members of the community stay informed of the importance of their health and helps guide them in staying well and without illness.