
Course Objectives

During the semester, our goal is to accomplish the objectives listed below. You will be assessed (graded) on these objectives. These objectives will enable you to perform the Course Outcomes:

  1. apply concepts related to static and dynamic fluids,
  2. effectively communicate ideas and concepts to peers through written work, class discussions, laboratory reports and presentations
  3. recommend and critique design alternatives,
  4. utilize HEC-RAS design software for steady, open channel flow.

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, each student will be able to demonstrate the following relative to fluid mechanics design:

  1. Ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve broadly-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline (Criterion 3.B1);
  2. Ability to design systems, components, or processes meeting specified needs for broadly-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline (Criterion 3.B2);
  3. Ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in broadly-defined technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature (Criterion 3.B3);
  4. Ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the results to improve processes (Criterion 3.B4);
  5. Ability to function effectively as a member as well as a leader on technical teams (Criterion 3.B5); and
  6. Employ productivity software to solve technical problems.

Note: Required course outcome criterion as per ABET. ABET accredits the civil engineering and construction engineering technology program.

Class Policies

General: Everyone is expected to be: on time, alert, an active participant, respectful, courteous, and prepared.

All student work is expected to be: neat, legible, stapled or fastened, original, professional, grammatically correct, in pencil, front side only, on engineering paper, and submitted at the beginning of class. Students are to hold onto all graded work until the end of the semester.

Email: All e-mail correspondence to the Professor is to be professional. Unprofessional e-mails will not be answered. Please be sure your name appears in the email. Use the following subject header for all e-mails: “CMCE2351-Subject.”

Assignment: All assignments are due at the beginning of class. Late assignments will not be eligible for full credit. Any late submission will be downgraded 20% per missed session.

Laboratories: Laboratories are to be uploaded directly to Blackboard and are due by the date and time posted on Blackboard. Late laboratories will not be eligible for full credit. Any late submission will be downgraded 20% per missed session. However, one laboratory extension will be granted and is due one week after the original due date.

Extra Credit: Students may accumulate up to 5 extra credit points towards the final grade at the discretion of the Professor. Proof of attendance or extra work must be submitted to the Professor. The “Extra Credit” form must be submitted by the last day of class. Note: the 5 point limit applies to a combination of lab and lecture extra credit submissions.

The “Fine Print”: In life there are emergencies, certain events, and other extenuating circumstances that are beyond our control. In the event that a student cannot adhere to the Class Policies the student MUST:

  1. Contact the Professor immediately via telephone, e-mail, or in person and inform the Professor of the situation.
  2. Meet with Professor to discuss and document an alternative agreement.

Laboratory Schedule

WeekLaboratory ScheduleTopicLab Due Date
1IntroductionLab Procedures & Safety 
2Lab 1Density 
3Tutorial 1 Lab 1 draft due
4Lab 2Specific Gravity & ViscosityLab 1 due
5Lab 3Pressure MeasurementLab 2 due
6Lab 4Pascal & Archimedes’ LawsLab 3 due
7Lab 5Center of PressureLab 4 due
8Lab 6StabilityLab 5 due
9Lab 7Flow through an OrificeLab 6 due
10Tutorial 4  
11Lab 8Impact of a JetLab 7 due
12Lab 9Flow Measurement-WeirsLab 8 due
13Tutorial 5 Lab 9 due
14Lab 10HEC-RASLab 10 due
15 Review (if Needed)Submission Deadline
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