The Opioid Crisis

Apart from knowing about the oral cavity, dental hygienists should be aware of what is happening in the world around them. Current trends may have a vast impact on the provision of healthcare, and specifically, on the types of patients we see in practice. In Pharmacology class, one such trend is the Opioid Crisis. Patients we see may have a history of drug abuse, or may currently be using illicit substances, which will inevitably impact treatment. Patients may or may not disclose this information on their medical histories. It is up to us as responsible clinicians to be aware of the possibility of drug use, look for signs in the oral cavity, and render treatment accordingly.

For Pharmacology class, the assignment was to research the Opioid Crisis and its impact on healthcare for a specific region of the United States. My partner and I wrote about Nevada, California, Alaska, and Hawaii. We also had to find a personal experience story in the news, and write a reaction. Please see the link below.
