
I always thought I was going to be a teacher. I loved being creative and helping children find that “Ah-Ha” moment of understanding. I graduated college, got my Master’s degree, and went out to search for a teaching position. At this time, my Uncle Jim offered me a position as a receptionist in his dental office. I accepted, and from the moment I began, he started to show me the world of teeth.

After a few months, I did find a teaching position, and I was happy for a few years, but I never stopped thinking of his office. One day, I was working reception, and an emergency came in. The patient had fallen and broken her front teeth. Within an hour, Dr. Branco had created a beautiful set of incisors where before there had been none! It was magical, and I was hooked. From that moment, I knew that I wanted to help people maintain their beautiful smiles.

While attending CUNY New York City College of Technology, I learned so much about teeth and the supporting tissues. I had many clinic experiences working with a variety of medically and physically compromised patients. I drew on my knowledge from teaching and working with adults with disabilities to help me best treat my patients. Everything is exciting! From the simplest radiograph to the most complex scaling, it is a thrill to know that I am a part of a healthcare team.

In this portfolio, you will find case studies, professional development experiences, certifications that I hold, and my educational background. You will also find my resume.

People ask me, “Why did you choose dental hygiene?” My answer is not that I chose this field, but rather, it chose me. I am grateful every day for the moment I set foot inside my Uncle Jim’s dental office, as well as all of the experiences that have helped me to become a better dental hygienist.