
My philosophy of nursing is to treat others how I would want to be treated. Nursing is about promoting optimal health of patients, preventing illness, caring for all people without discrimination and being an advocate for them. Nursing is about patient care, about understanding your patients needs and trying your best to fulfill it. I believe that every single person in this world is important and should be treated so. No one is better than the other and the care given should demonstrate that. I believe in being kind and compassionate and bringing laughter to my patients. When I go into a patients room and observe them, I remember that they too have feelings and are not just a body that is in a bed. My morals and ethics have been installed with me from young because of my parents. I am a Christian and I do believe that being one has definitely made me more compassionate to others. I believe in being a trustworthy, respectful, and fair person. Even if my scheduled work time is up and there is a patient that needs something that I can get for them, I just get it. I do my best to also understand their culture and their mindset to help me know why they adhere or not adhere to the plan of care.
Nursing is more than just working with the patient. Nursing deals with working with colleagues, interdisciplinary teams, and the patient’s family. Nursing is a field where one has to deal with Health Promotion. Even if a person takes the same medications each day, giving a brief description of what they are taking is important. Factoring that some patients may not remember what they are taking or may have not been listening to what was said. Nursing is a an evidence-based profession, so the care we provide has a rationale.
Nursing is a branch of science that delves into psychology, science, and art. I believe nursing is about the patient’s body, mind, and soul. Same for the nurse. What am I thinking and feeling, how will this translate to the care I give to my patient. Nursing is a profession you have to want to be in or burn out can occur. I am a few months new into the working world of nursing and I already feel overwhelmed, but focusing on my patients keeps me going.

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