The objective of this lab experiment was to create a code that creates a Roman Numeral value for the input value entered.
program Romanf13; #include("stdlib.hhf") static x: int32; begin Romanf13; stdout.put("Enter decimal: "); stdin.get(x); mov(x, eax); while(eax > 0) do if(eax >= 100) then stdout.put("C"); sub(100, eax); elseif(eax >= 99) then stdout.put("IC"); sub(99, eax); elseif(eax >= 90) then stdout.put("XC");a sub(90, eax); elseif(eax >=50) then stdout.put("L"); sub(50, eax); elseif(eax >= 49) then stdout.put("IL"); sub(49, eax); elseif(eax >= 40) then stdout.put("XC"); sub(40, eax); elseif(eax >= 10) then stdout.put("X"); sub(10, eax); elseif(eax >= 9) then stdout.put("IX"); sub(9, eax); elseif(eax >=5) then stdout.put("V"); sub(5, eax); elseif(eax>=4) then stdout.put("IV"); sub(4, eax); elseif(eax >= 1) then stdout.put("I"); sub(1, eax); endif; endwhile; stdout.put(nl); end Romanf13;