New York City College of Technology – City University of New York
300 Jay Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201
Department of Architectural Technology
ARCH 2310 Architectural Design III Fall 2016
Class times: Mondays (V833) and Wednesdays (V814) 2:30pm-5:25pm
Instructor: Prof. Severn Clay-Youman, AIA
Office Hours: Monday 1:30-2:30pm, by appointment
Course Description: This course is an exploration of abstract architectural design theory in the expression of three-dimensional space. The creation of comprehensive architectural design projects are developed following a building program and incorporating elements of site, enclosure, structure, material and technology. Design concepts and vocabulary are introduced and strengthened through design projects. A juried presentation will take place at the completion of each project.
Course context: This course is the first semester of design after students have had two semesters of design foundations. Students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge acquired in ARCH 1210 and ARCH 1291 in this course.
Prerequisites: ARCH 1210 and ARCH 1291 both with a grade of C or higher
Pre- or co requisite: ARCH 1250
Suggested Text: Ching, Francis X. Form Space & Order. John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
Attendance Policy: No more than 10% absences are permitted during the semester. For the purposes of record, two latenesses are considered as one absence. Exceeding this limit will expose the student to failing at the discretion of the instructor.
Course Structure: This course is a design studio. There will be lectures, a combination of one on one desk critiques, small group reviews and presentations. Students will be responsible for working in class and for completing their work outside of class hours. There will be three projects during the semester.
Project 1 15%
Project 2 35%
Project 3 50%
A final grade of C or higher is required in this course to use it as a prerequisite for subsequent courses.
Academic Integrity: Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting and citation of sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the college recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension and expulsion.
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will:
Understand the impact horizontal and vertical circulations have on the perception of architectural space and apply it to design. (Knowledge)
Demonstrate an ability to design based on a concept. (Knowledge)
Develop parti concepts and diagrams into schematic level drawings. (Knowledge)
Understand the difference between solid and void and positive and negative spaces and apply it in 2D and 3D designs. (Knowledge)
Distinguish between media and determine the appropriate method and media required to complete a drawing or model. (Gen Ed)
Communicate ideas and information both verbally and through writing. (Gen Ed)
Research and practice information literacy skills by researching precedents. (Gen Ed)
Apply quantitative analysis to design. (Gen Ed)
Produce orthographic, axonometric, perspective, and architectural vignette drawings. (Skill)
Utilize analogue and digital media to create drawings and models. (Skill)
Synthesize site circulation, zoning, urban context, and views to design. (Skill)
Synthesize construction types, hierarchy, and light to building design. (Skill)
To evaluate the students’ achievement of the learning objectives, the professor will do the following:
Review students’ creative process (initial sketches through to the final project) by means of frequent pin-ups.
Assess the students’ use of professional vocabulary during oral presentations.
Review students’ written descriptions of design work and feedback.
Review students’ ability to incorporate circulation paths and plan organizations into a design.
Review students’ ability to incorporate a concept into their design work.
Review students’ accuracy with applying quantitative information to a design scheme.
Review students’ ability to synthesize circulation, zoning, urban context, and views into a design.
Review students’ ability to synthesize construction types, hierarchy, and light into building design.
Extent and Duration of projects
Project 1
3.5 Weeks
Precedent Study
Project 2
4 Weeks
A Future Dwelling in the Woods
Project 3
7.5 Weeks
A Library
Course Outline
Project 01- Precedent Study
01 Introduction to Project 01
Class: Course Introduction
Discussion: Precedent Studies
CLT: In-class tutorial on preparing presentation boards in InDesign
Assignment: Precedent Study- Part 01
02 Precedent Presentations- Part 01
Class: Review Part 01 Precedent Studies
For Next Class
Model the house you studied in Rhino.
03 Climate Analysis
Class: Climate Analysis Workshop
Tool: Climate Consultant and Diagramming
Assignment: Climate Analysis
04 Climate Analysis Review
Class: Climate Analysis Review
CLT: In-class tutorial on exporting line drawings from Rhino
For Next Class
Prepare line drawings of the house you studied.
Print for pin-up in next class
05 Line Drawing Review
Class: Diagramming
For Next Class
Diagram the main design concepts and sustainable design principles for the house your studied. Print for pin-up in next class
06 Review Diagrams
Class: Review diagrams
CLT: In-class tutorial on diagramming in Adobe Illustrator
Assignment: Precedent Study- Part 02
07 Precedent Presentations- Part 02
Class: Review Part 02 Precedent Studies
Project 02- A Future Dwelling in the Woods
08 Introduction to Project 02
Class: Project Description
Discussion: Single Family Housing
Assignment: Design Narrative+ Climate Research
09 Review Narratives
Class: Review Narratives
Discussion: Design Iterations
Assignment: Design Iterations
10 Review Models and Sketches
Class: Review and Models and Sketches
For Next Class
Begin a Rhino Model
11 Review Rhino Model
Class: Review Rhino Model
For Next Class
Design Development in Rhino
12 3D Printed MakerBot Models
Class: MakerBot Tutorial
Assignment: Massing studies using the MakerBot
13 Review MakerBot Massing Models
Class: Review MakerBot Massing Models
Discussion: Line Drawings
For Next Class
Develop plans, sections and elevations with proper line weights.
14 Review Line Drawings
Class: Review Line Drawings
Discussion: Final Presentation Criteria
Assignment: Final Presentation 02
15 Final Presentations Project 02
Project 03- A Library
16 Introduction to Project 03, Site Model and Site Analysis
Class: Site Visit
Discussion: Project Description, Site Model and Site Analysis
Assignment- Site Analysis w/ Microclimate Analysis
17 Precedent Research and Design Narratives
Class: Site Analysis Review Discussion: Precedent Research and Design Narrative
Assignment- Precedent Research and Design Narratives
18 Precedent and Narrative Review
Class: Precedent and Narrative Review
Discussion: Diagramming the solution
Assignment- Diagrams and Physical Design Iterations
19 Physical Design Iterations Review
Class: Physical Design Iterations and Diagrams Review
Discussion: Digital Design Iterations
CLT: In-class tutorial on Rhino
Assignment- Digital Design Iterations
20 Digital Models Review
Class: Digital Models Review
For Next Class
Design Development
21 Design Development Review
Class: Design Development Review
For Next Class
Design Development
22 Design Development Review
Class: Design Development Review
For Next Class
Design Development
23 Line Drawings
Discussion: Line Drawings
For Next Class
Line Drawings
24 Facades
Class: Review Line Drawings
Discussion: Facades
CLT: In class tutorial on 3D printing using powder printer
For Next Class
Assignment- 3D Printed Models
25 Exterior Spaces
Class: Façade Review
Discussion: Exterior Spaces and Landscaping
For Next Class
Exterior Spaces
26 Design Development Review
Class: Design Development Review
CLT: In-class tutorial on V-ray rendering
For Next Class
Design Development
27 3D Views
Class: Develop 3D Views, Send files for 3D Printing
Discussion: 3D Views, Representation Techniques
For Next Class
3D views, Draft Final Presentations
28 Final Presentation Criteria
Class: Review final draft boards
Discussion: Final presentations
Assignment- Final Presentations 03
29 Final Presentations
30 Final Portfolio Review