• What is ARCHscholars?

ARCscholars is a collaboration program between NYCHA and the City Tech (NYC College of Technology) that seeks to provide young adults residents, from ages 16 to 24, with an opportunity to learn more about architecture and design. Also, it seeks to provide residents with an opportunity to learn more about NYCHA’s different development sites and the importance of building greener spaces and a greener city. 

  • Why should I join?

Participating in the ARCHscholars program will allow residents the opportunity to propose new design ideas for the built environment; explore opportunities in architecture and urban design; collaborate with peers and thinkers at NYCHA and City Tech; and co-publish and present an academic poster. Further, participants will have the opportunity, if approved by health officials, with an opportunity to visit different sites around NYCHA and understand more about the different construction (and repairs) that are currently occurring throughout NYCHA developments.

  • When will the Program take place?

It will take place from Thursday, October 7 to Thursday, December 9 through Zoom, which means most learning will be done virtually, in order to ensure the safety of everyone participating. 

  • What days will be the course be taught?

ARCHscholars will be on 8 Thursday evenings from 6:15pm-8:00pm. Time has been added in the last few sessions to work on the presentation boads. See the specific Thursday dates here.

  • Is there an application fee?

No. The application is free.

  • Who can I reach out to if I have more questions?

It is strongly encouraged that if you require more information or have any concerns, feel free to send an e-mail to or to call (212)-306-8436.

  • What if I do not have reliable access to the Internet or a Device?

NYCHA will be able to loan internet enabled devices to those who have committed to participating in the program.

  • Will we have first-hand experience of what we are taught?

While it is the commitment of both NYCHA and City Tech that residents have the best experience from this program, NYCHA and City Tech will try to give participants an opportunity to possible visit sites; however, given the uncertainty around the pandemic of COVID-19, NYCHA and City Tech will follow medical health experts’ advice on the issue. 

  • Who will be our Instructors?

Naomi Langer, RA

Esteban J. Beita Solano

Palma, Delma

Vaidehi Mody

Also, there will be participation of four fourth year students from City Tech who are currently majoring in Architecture. 

  • What if I have an emergency and cannot make it to the Zoom session?

You will be able to reach out the Professors and other CityTech students to find out the material covered in class, receive the presentations or other material, and work to fulfill the work that was required for that class.

  • What if I am having technical difficulties with Zoom?

If you are having issues with Zoom, please feel free to e-mail the instructors.

Please test Zoom on your device prior to classes starting so that you will be prepared to attend the first virtual session on October 7.

  • Do I have to show my face during the Zoom sessions? And if so, will it be recorded for those who miss a week?

It is highly encouraged (but not mandatory) for you to participate via video during the classes in order to interact with classmates and instructors. There will be ongoing screensharing for presentations so scholars will mostly be focused visually on the presentation for the day.

  • What if I am disabled, can I still participate?

Yes. Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) requires that all activities of State and local governments, regardless of the agency or entity’s size, give people with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from all of their programs, services, and activities.

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