Lab 0

Lab 0: Hello World


This first lab is an introduction to Java programming. We were required to first create our own portfolio, in order to post our future labs for this class. The point of this class is to use advanced programming techniques in order to learn high-level languages even better, like C++ for example. In this particular program, we are using the program known as Eclipse to create Java programs. This first one is a common program, and can be created with any other programming language.

First we created a class known as “HelloWorld”. Then we included the standard library for Java programming. Lastly, we wrote in the command to display a message as an output. In this case, our program will end up displaying “Hello World”.


public class HelloWorld {

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		System.out.println("Hello World");


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