Project 2 Multi Media

Task:Option 1: Audio Podcast – Create a max five-minute or less (but more than three minutes) audio podcast that introduces a topic from your subject area that a listener can learn more information about in the short non-visual manner.Option 2: Video Tutorial – Create a max four-minute or less (but more than two minutes) video tutorial that demonstrates the instructions/process from your subject area that a viewer can learn a small skill.
Format:Option 1: Audio Podcast – Submit a finalized version of the five or less minute audio in .mp3 format with the naming scheme “FirstInitialLastName_Function_MM-DD-YYYY.mp3”. The written intention statement can be provided in .txt, .docx, or inputted directly in Blackboard.Option 2: Video Tutorial – Submit a finalized version of the four or less minute video in .mp4 format with the naming scheme “FirstInitialLastName_Function_MM-DD-YYYY.mp4”. The written intention statement can be provided in .txt, .docx, or inputted directly in Blackboard.
Resources:Audio Editor: Audacity OR Adobe Audition OR Any Personal ChoiceVideo Editor: OpenShot OR Adobe Premiere Pro OR Any Personal Choice
Notes:Naming Scheme Example: DMastrandrea_InstallingCPU_01-01-2020.mp4You may use any audio/video recorder/editor to develop your product.

Reflection-this multimedia project we were tasked with teaching a small task within a 2 to 4 minute video. I thought this was a very good project because in a vacuum, it taught us how to teach instruction effectively and quickly it taught me how to choose very specific things and how to touch on more specific points then the big picture to really get my point across and teach a small lesson within this time constraint I feel that this could be a very good tool in building a full on lesson plan that fits into the time frames. We are constricted within the classroom.