Discussion 2

DB02 – Analyzing an EdTech Solution Provide a recent example of a trending educational technology solution (i.e. An Actual Product/Software) that explains the benefits, as well as any drawbacks that could occur from implementation in the classroom.CommentsReflect on the given solution to determine if you would/have used it.
Computers in education reflection 2
The presentation method engages from a variety of interactivities (e.g., formative assessments, students can easily participate in polls, open ended questions, 3D videos, games, etc.). Each task benefits the student as they can immediately apply the content being taught, as well as benefiting the teacher to quickly check for understanding. Students can receive feedback continuously during their learning processes.  Furthermore, teachers have the ability to anomalously share the results of polls, open ended questions, games, etc. with the class. This type of peer sharing benefits students in seeing the varying answers or opinions about a certain topic, or to know they were not the only one to struggle with a certain concept. This is also a great tool for those quiet students who have important things to share but might lack the confidence to speak up verbally. Students also love Nearpod because they can interact and participate without ever leaving the presentation! This prevents students from having to stop and find a new screen, and potentially becoming frustrated if they get behind. Nearpod proactively keeps students on task and engaged. (Nearpod (fall 2020/winter 2021)
My take on Nearpod is very similar to that of the passage above I believe that Nearpod is a new, trending, uphill technology solution that you will more widespread use from in the classrooms in the next few years. Nearpod takes traditional teaching methods and combines them with the futuristic and technology education demands of the modern teaching environment. I believe it is important to recognize that in today’s teaching environment, both the teachers and the students inherently have more technology literacy than ever before based on the generations in which they grew up. Just like when you go to a party for your family and you see your four-year-old nephew, playing with an iPad. You don’t think about it then but that will end up translating to his learning within the classroom. I believe this platform to be extremely useful because of its peers sharing benefits, and the ability for the teacher to have real time data and profiles of each students learning abilities, their strengths, weaknesses, and also appetite to learn. Nearpod really helps identify what students are struggling and in what areas this intern only helps the instructor targeting students with different educational practices to more effectively help that student learn. It is important to realize that every student has their own way of learning and ability to learn, and that Nearpod might not be for everyone, but what I can say is that it provides a very good platform for teaching the class as a whole and I believe since this platform is personal to the student, and not as interactive and social with the classroom all the time, it does help remote learning for those students who might be a little bit more shy in the classroom and those students who are suffering from different inequities outside of the classroom and afraid to make the mistakes and look foolish. I think this platform really does help hide that and bring out the best within the student. I believe there’s a teacher that I can’t see myself using this platform as it really gives great data to each student performance within the subject and within the class I think that is probably the best benefit for me as a teacher is to be able to see which specific areas, each student struggling in and Nearpod being able to show that from a whole class on a chart if there is a specific topic that the entire class is then struggling with it without help me as a teacher to be able to implement different strategies to better address this deficiency in learning within the class. Please note, I am not currently teaching, but this is how I feel I would use this program.
Benefits of Nearpod in the classroom:
Engagement: Nearpod helps to increase student engagement by providing interactive and multimedia-rich content that captures students’ attention and makes learning more enjoyable.
Personalization: Teachers can customize lessons to meet the individual needs and learning styles of their students, providing differentiated instruction and targeted support.
Assessment: Nearpod offers real-time assessment tools such as quizzes, polls, and open-ended questions, allowing teachers to gauge student understanding instantly and adjust instruction accordingly.
Collaboration: Nearpod facilitates collaborative learning experiences by enabling students to interact with each other through activities like group discussions, collaborative boards, and shared presentations.
Accessibility: Nearpod is accessible on various devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones, making it convenient for both in-class and remote learning environments.
Drawbacks and challenges of Nearpod implementation:
Technical issues: Like any technology platform, Nearpod may encounter technical glitches or connectivity issues that can disrupt the learning process and frustrate both teachers and students.
Training and support: Teachers need adequate training and ongoing support to effectively integrate Nearpod into their instructional practices. Lack of training can result in underutilization of the platform’s features and functionalities.
Equity concerns: Access to technology and internet connectivity can vary among students, leading to disparities in participation and learning outcomes. Schools must ensure equitable access to devices and reliable internet connectivity for all students to fully benefit from Nearpod.
Over-reliance on technology: While Nearpod can enhance teaching and learning experiences, excessive reliance on technology may undermine critical thinking skills and interpersonal communication abilities if not balanced with other instructional approaches.
Nearpod: An example of digital tools for class collaboration. C2C Digital Magazine (Fall 2020 / Winter 2021). (n.d.). https://scalar.usc.edu/works/c2c-digital-magazine-fall-2020–winter-2021/nearpod-tool-class-collaboration