Discussion 11

DB11 – Considering Activities that Align with Standards Outline an activity you would use in your classroom that is aligned to a learning standard; using the activity as a starting point, determine the technology that can be used to conduct the activity and identify the level on the SAMR model it belongs to.CommentsSuggest how you could alter your peer’s activity to change its level in the SAMR model.
Woodworking Activity Outline
Activity Title: 
Creating Birdhouses
Grade Level: Middle School (6th-8th Grade) Learning Standard:
• Standard: MS-ETS1-2 from the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards): “Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.”
Objective: Students will design and build birdhouses, evaluating their designs based on specified criteria and constraints, such as size, materials, and functionality
Wood pieces
Nails, screws, and wood glue
Hammers and screwdrivers
Measuring tape and rulers
Paint and brushes
Safety goggles and gloves
Activity Procedure:
Introduction (10 minutes):
o Discuss the purpose of birdhouses and the importance of providing habitats for birds
o Introduce the design challenge each student will create a birdhouse that meets specific criteria
Design Phase (30 minutes):
o Students brainstorm and sketch their birdhouse designs on
o Each student shares their design with a partner for
o Revise designs based on peer feedback
Construction Phase (2 class periods of 60 minutes each): o Distribute materials and tools
o Students measure and mark wood pieces according to
their designs
o Assemble the birdhouses using nails, screws, and glue o Sand down rough edges and ensure stability
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o Paint and decorate
4. Evaluation Phase (30 minutes):
o Students present their completed birdhouses to the class. o Evaluate each birdhouse based on the criteria and
constraints discussed in the introduction.
o Discuss what worked well and what could be improved
Technology Integration: Tools and Technology:
3D Design Software (Tinkercad,SketchUp,Fusion360):

Online Collaboration Platform (Google Classroom or Padlet):

Video Tutorials and Demonstrations:
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page2image1056329600Students can create digital models of their birdhouse designs before building them. This allows for precise measurements and virtual testing
SAMR Model Level: Augmentation: The software enhances the design process by providing tools that are not available with traditional sketching methods
Use: Students upload their sketches and digital designs for peer feedback. They can also share progress updates and final presentations
SAMR Model Level: Augmentation: This platform enhances communication and collaboration beyond what is possible in the physical classroom
Use: Provide instructional videos on woodworking techniques, safety protocols, and the use of tools
SAMR Model Level: Substitution: The videos replace traditional teacher-led demonstrations, offering a consistent and accessible resource for students to reference as needed