Discussion 5

DB05 – Communication With Parents Create a table that assesses the benefits and drawbacks of the following types of technology for communicating with parents: Emailing Newsletters, Phone Blasts (Mass Recorded Phone Calls), Mail Merging Letters, Parent Video Conferences, and Social Media.CommentsShare a technique that you use to communicate, be specific about the technology.
I personally am a one-on-one phone call person. I feel this method is the most useful and personal. I feel that on a phone call with a parent you can affectively hit on all the positives of all the methods with a limit on the drawbacks. For example, you get a personal feeling for the parent there is personality, tone of voice and so on, so you can address what is going on at home with the student more effectively. I also feel in this method there is no loss of communication or misinterpreting anything. I also feel a phone call there is no hiding or being around the bush the parents have to be upfront and transparent and so does the teacher.
Emailing Newsletters
Instant delivery to parents’ inboxes
Risk of emails being overlooked or filtered as spam
 Cost-effective compared to traditional mail
 Lack of personal touch and engagement
Allows for easy sharing of attachments and links
 Potential for miscommunication due to text-only format
Phone Blasts
 Immediate and direct spread of information to all recipients
 Lack of customization, impersonal
(Mass Recorded Phone Calls
Can reach parents who may not have email or internet
Potential annoyance if received at inconvenient times
Single message that my not address individual needs 
Good for urgent or time-sensitive announcements
 Limited to voice communication
Mail Merging Letters
 Tangible format that may grab attention
 Higher cost associated with printing and postage
 Allows for customization with personalization
Longer delivery time compared to digital methods
 Can be more formal and official-looking
 Environmental impact of paper usage
Parent Video Conferences
Facilitates face-to-face interaction from a distance
Requires access to technology and internet connectivity
Allows for visual aids and demonstrations
 Scheduling conflicts due to time zone differences
Enhances engagement and understanding
Technical issues such as connectivity or audio problems
Social Media
Wide reach, especially among younger parents
Potential for information overload or distractions
 Interactive platform for feedback and discussion
 Privacy concerns if sensitive information is shared
Allows for multimedia content and storytelling
Need for active monitoring to maintain appropriate tone