Architectural Technology Department Student Questions: 

If you have any questions for the college (advisement, IT issues, etc…) please use the link below to submit your questions and the school will get back to you:

Contact information: 


Phone: 617-460-5635

Expected speed of response:

I will try to respond to emails as soon as I get them, but depending on the day this could take a few hours. I generally have my phone on me and should be able to respond to text messages within an hour.

Office hour substitute times/methods of scheduling and contact: 

My office hours are Tuesdays 3:00pm – 6:00pm, though if you’d like to schedule something outside of those hours, we can usually work something out.

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 520 125 121

What to do to prepare for distance learning:

Continue to check OpenLab daily for updates. If you haven’t already, download Zoom:

Where is course content:

All course content can be found on OpenLab, no different than before. I will continue to update course content as needed to adjust to our new distance learning situation.

Where is support for using the online platform:

Updated participation expectations and how they contribute to grade:

All students are expected to participate in our Zoom sessions during our normal class time (Tuesdays, 6:00pm – 9:20pm). We may experiment with breaking out into smaller group sessions during our class period, however, we will make that decision after our first couple of classes once we adjust to Zoom.

Updated homework delivery expectations and any revised deadlines:

All work submissions shall be uploaded to Dropbox. I will email you all a link to our dropbox folder. All deadlines will be adjusted as needed based on how we progress. We will discuss all deadlines during our class meetings, and I will post updates to OpenLab.

Updated date / method / sharing of midterm grade:

I will email everyone their midterm grade individually after I receive and grade the midterm exam.