Holiday Party

For a while the company had planned a Holiday Party which I helped create the flyer for and a marketing intern had been advertising for it. It was set to take place on December 6 which was also my last day interning.  My team encouraged me to go to this event and I agreed.

It was advertised that  we had to wear “Cocktail Attire” .so for the first time ever I  wore a dark suit with a tie. Normally I would wear casual clothing, but I had to wear a suit or I would have looked under dressed there.

The event took place at Hotel Gansevoort which was a very sophisticated hotel located not too far from the workplace and you could tell many other business were hosting their own events here as well.  The party itself was inside a big bar with an outside rooftop area that had it’s own fire place. There were  many waiters walking around offering various party food and drinks you could get for free.

To my surprise, I was one of the first to arrive despite coming exactly on time and my team did not arrive until much later, so I got a chance to chat with a lot of the employees in Webcollage who I normally didn’t talk to. There were  even people there who no longer worked  for the company and it was interesting hearing their stories as well. However, the fun didn’t really start until everyone from my close  team arrived since they were the closest thing the company had to a creative team. All in all, this was my first time going to a holiday party for a company and I had a blast. It was refreshing seeing everyone in this kind of free environment and a great way to finally say goodbye.