The Webcollage office is on the 11th floor of the Eleven building which is located on the southwest corner of Eighth Avenue and W. 42nd.  Usually I start at either 10 am or 12 am and the day ends by 5pm.

There are over 100 employees with their own work stations.  A few of the higher-ups have their own office room, but everyone else works within an open work space that contains its own Mac Book Pro with 2-3 monitors.  Even the lead designer Ognen has a similar desk as mine and he sits right next to me. Some employees wear formal clothing because they have to do business meetings, while others like me are allowed to wear casual clothing.

The floor itself is pretty big with one half full of work spaces and the other side with a lot of empty space that’s under construction at the moment because they are planning to add more stuff.  There are many meeting rooms with big screens where people can video chat with others from other parts of the world.

Outside of the work spaces there is a fully-stocked kitchen where you are allowed to eat at or take food to your office whenever you want. There is no specific time to take a lunch break, but sometimes Uana (The Vice President of Marketing) will invite us to a team lunch at some restaurant. There is also a game room where you can have play pool or video games.