Goals: Communicate through form
Objectives: Create alignment
1 align quote
2 research
1 Create one quote
demonstrate that you understand proportion
1. select hierarchy based on rule of thirds
2. create alignment to emphasize that proportion
3. reinforce 2-3 levels of hierarchy
1. choose your best example from Thursday or begin anew
Use a grid, based on the rule of thirds proportion (3-columns, 3 rows grid)
2. Decide on what part of the quote to want to highlight
3. Place the highlight in a key position on your rule of thirds proportion
3. Align text elements to your highlight
we should have a sense of the grid, even when it is not showing
4. Use 2-3 levels of hierarchy to emphasize your proportion system and your message
create obvious changes of scale
5. Add a 1 point outline
6. Post your revision with a written explanation of what was discussed during the critique
example: placing hierarchy to emphasize the grid
use alignment to hold units together
2. Research
Find a favorite example of your designers work (that uses typography)
Research what typeface(s) are used
Add the example and the name and some letters of the typeface to Miro
How do you find what typeface is used?