Academic Samples

Visual Quote first concept

For my first concept i focused on the literally meaning of the quote. IĀ dividedĀ the page into twoĀ separate parts, and put a shade over one half to emphasize night and day. On one half of the page the words “For every dark night,” are spaced out sparingly. On the other side the words “There’s a brighter day” are spaced out, but in abundance. This demonstrates the meaning of the quote. Also the words “there’s a brighter day have the RGB color value of 238,166,7 so that the letters are brighter as if it was day time.



Visual Quote second concept

For my second concept i wanted to turn the meaning of the quote into anĀ illustration. I kept the idea of splitting the page in two so that it would represent night and day. Then using the words from the quote along with the type on a path tool from indesign i proceeded to make a sun in the top right hand corner. I then used the quote to makes rays that stretched from the sun onto the adjacent side of the screen where night time was being represented. Each ray begins in the darker side of the page, but as it get to the words “There’s a brighter day” the words not only get larger, but the colorĀ valueĀ is changed to RGB 210,203,7. I did this to give the letters theĀ appearanceĀ of actual sun rays so that it would give a more physical meaning to the idea of a brighter day.

Visual Quote third concept

This was my third concept, andĀ personallyĀ my most favored of the three. I chose the keep both the idea and the design simple, but have the image strong enough that it would be effective. In this design have on the bottom left hand corner a small rounded section that i filed with black to represent the night. In side of this rounded section i placed multipleĀ copies of the words “For every dark night”. i did this to stress the word “every” as in multipleĀ accounts. Coming out of the section in a serif font that i put inĀ italics, and also dramatically increased the size of i have the words “There’sĀ a brighter day”Ā . I did this to better explain the quote. Even though there will be many dark nights, the day time will always be much more bright. That is also why there is so much white space in the quote. I did that to express how much more bright the day is compared to the small section of night i hadĀ laidĀ out.

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