E-Portfolio Reflection/Self Reflection on how I fullfill my clinical objectives.

The purpose to this assignment is to provide a self-reflection on the various objectives that I have met during my clinical rotation. These objectives will reflect on the level of care that I have rendered  at The Center for Nursing Rehabilitation (CNR) and the experience that I have gained.

Objectives: Expected Behaviors

I maintains client confidentially by ensuring that all information about my client or registrants are not exposed to anyone who is not apart of my client care. I assumes responsibility for my own learning; I research article before I do any presentation to ensure that my client received correct and up to date information. In preparation for my clinical learning, I go over information to be discuss in pre-conference, I arrived at my clinical site on time and, I also ensure that my previous week assisngment is completed. I completed my assignments within the designated time frame. I read over whatever article is given for me to be presented and I follow the instructions on how to complete my assignment according to the college policy. I seek guidence appropriately from my clinical and lecture professor, and my peers regarding clarification of course work. I participated every week in clinical pre-and post conferences, I listen attentively, asked questions when in doubt about a topic or how to work with the registrants. I attends clinical in time and in accordance with the school policy. I ensure that my school identification is worn at all time to represents myself and my school, and I follow the sign in schedule at my clinical site. I dress professionally according to the nursing department requirement, the required attire is worn at all times.

         At my designated clincal site, we used interviews and daily interactions to elicit information from the registrants/clients. Before any information is given to the client/registrans, I do an assessment of his/her developmental, emotional, cultural, religous and spiritual influences on his/her health status. This is done to ensure that bias is elimated and that each client is treated in a respectable manner regardless of their cultural or the social class with which they belong. In this clinical site, we do not collect any significant client data nor complete a physical assessment, however, we communicate verbally and through discussions. I prioritize teaching base on analysis of the data reseach in the geographically area of the clinical site, and the types of disease that is prevalent in the area and the population that they served. I apply priorty -setting in the planning and intervention of the material that is presented, and handed out reading materials to enforce learning. We maintain a safe environment during our time at CNR. We did not administer medication at CNR. After teaching and presenting material on various disease processes, most of the registrants were able to verbalized understanding of the material presented. We ensure that priniciple of safety was maintain in this community, we do not wear any dangling necklace or ear ring or walk with anything that would pose a treath to the safety of the center or ourselves.

          I utilize therapeutic communication skills with the regristrants at CNR, I listen whenever I am communicating with the regisrants, I offer touch, and I assist with ambulation from chair when needed. I communicate face to face with the regisrants. I communicate effectively and clearly with my clinical instructor, the health care team and my peers, and we also work together as a group. I communicate with the registrants base on their needs and level of development, I also speak slowly to those who  has impairment in speech and be patient with them.

         I develop teaching plans based the groups, the center’s calender, and activities of the month. I ensure that we present our teaching topics or presentation in a quiet and well lighted environment and have all registrants comfortably seated. After each day of presentation, we ask questions to evaluate if teaching was effective.

        In this clinical site, we did not utilize priniciple of nursing informatics, we did not access to the computers at CNR. We also had no access to any of the registrants records, however, whatever conversations or discussion we have had with the registrants were kept confidentiall.

         I used the most current literature to obtain information whenever I have to present a teaching session with the registrants at CNR. I assumed responsibility for my own life long learning, I keep up with my CEU credits, I subscribe to journals, I attentends work shop and seminars, and also inservice s to enhance my learning. I engage in self evaluation by ensuring that what ever changes I need to make or add to my learning, my self concept, it is done in an appropriate manner. Community health nursing is among my list of goals that i am working towards achieving. I am committed to adjusting to the challenges of independent practice in community health nursing, this will give me more autonomy and inprove my level of independent assessment skills. 

        I utilizes the American Nurses Association standards in clinical practice, I practice within the standards and scope of nursing and I maintained professionalism. I comply with the agency standards of practice, I attend clinical  on time and sign in to the agency sign in book and wears my identification card at all times. I am accountable for any action in the clinical are and I am also aware of the agency’s mission.

         I collaborate effectively with the health care team to plan events for the registrants according to the agency activity calender for the month. The group coordinate-client care needs such as teaching materials, picture that re-enforce learning, and provide information  about resources that will help them and their families  to be more educated their  health problems. I have provided information regarding advance directives to the registrants in the event they may need to make certain lifestyle changes in the future. No assistance were made to make connection to other community agencies, however, as a community health, this would be one of my responsibility to assist the client to make connection to community agencies according to his/her needs.

        I have not recognise any gap in the care system at CNR, this center is a multicultural center that cater for the needs of the registrants. All registrans are treated with respect, they cultural foods are prepared and served, and based on my observation of the care given, the registrants seems very happy and always happy to be back.

          In summary

This clinical experience in community health nursing has help me to view nursing on a different perspective. I have had the opportunity to care for and provide health teaching to a culturally diverse group of people. I have learn to accept people of different culture; I spend time to communicate and listen to the registrants at my assigned clincal site. I provide health teaching on topics that were of interest to the  group, this has help me to gain more confident in presenting a topic without been nervous. This writing experience has help me personally to evaluate the level of work and the effort that we have put into this class. The experience was well worth the effort; the registrants are happy to have us and look forward to see us each week. I have gain more confidence in myself when standing in from of a crowd to do presentation. This experience will surely help me in my professional field. Patient and family education is an important aspect of prevention and compliance in community health nursing. I am looking forward to pursue a career in community health nursing because I am passionate about this field and I am equipped with the basic knowledge to work in the this field.

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