About Me


My name is Chanel Edwards and I am currently attending New York City College of Technology. I am a Junior pursuing my Bachelors Degree in Human Services.

My professional goal is to work for the Board of Education as a social worker.  My goal in wanting to work as a social worker is to touch the youth. I want to help mold the leaders of tomorrow and break down any barriers at home or school that is interfering with their adcademic success.

My long term professional goal in working in the Board of Education is to become a guidance counselor. Having first hand knowledge on the challenges a young person faces in life when trying to get ahead gives me a personal understanding. Therefore I hope to touch the lives of the high school kids entering the real world. I plan to do this by equipping them with essential skills that will benefits them in their personal and professional lifestyles.

Later on in life I also aspire to have a personal life coaching business. Throughout my journey of success I hope to work will all age groups. Starting with the young preschoolers earlier in my career. Then pursing a position with junior high and high school children, to later on becoming an advocate and mentor to all. I have already started pursuing my life coaching career. Find out more about it on my site here http://ccsos411.wix.com/chanel