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Welcome to the CET4973: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Fall 2023) course!

Here you will find information about the course, such as syllabus, schedules, policies, resources, and the latest announcements, so you always know what is going on in the class. Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.  Happy learning!


Instructor: Prof. Benito Mendoza
Lecture: Thursday 2:15-5:35
Classroom: Online
Office: V620
Student Hours: Wednesday 10:00-11:00 or by appointment.
Email :
Phone: 718-260-5885


No textbook has been adopted. The instructor will provide the material for each topic.

Reference Books

  1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition). Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig. Pearson. 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0136042594
  2. Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century: A Living Introduction. Second Edition. Stephen Lucci and Danny Kopec. Mercury Learning. 2016. ISBN-13: 9781942270003
  3. Essentials of Artificial Intelligence. Matt Ginsberg. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. ISBN-13: 9780323139687
  4. A Course in Machine Learning. Hal Daumé III. Self-published

Additional Resources