
Week/Day Lecture Lab/Tutorial Assignments
PART I Project Management and Final Project Definition
Week 1
  • LAB1 Project Life Cycle, Management and Organization.
Week 2
  • LAB2:Process Maturating Model
  • HW1: ePortfolio. After you complete your portfolio, complete this form. After you have the form submitted, submit the URL of your ePortfolio into the corresponding slot in Blackboard for grade.
Week 3
  • HW2: ProjectLibre. After completing this tutorial, submit the CET4711_Tutorial.pod into Blackboard.
PART II Microcontrolers and Computer Based Control
Week 4
Study Guide for QUIZ1 
  • Computer Programming concepts in Python, Arduino, and Processing
Week 5
Quiz 1 (Q1)
  • Sensors and sensor interfacing
Week 6
  • Serial Communication and data processing
  • LAB5: Complete a System as in Figure 1.8
Week 7
HW3 Due
  • Visual Output, Audio Output, and Physical Output
PART III Introduction to Web Application Development 
Week 8
Quiz 2 (Q2)
  • LAB7 
Week 9
  • Google app engine ‘hello world’. eclipse, webapp framework, python
  • LAB8
  • HW5
Week 10
  • Using jinja2 templates, CSS styles, cookies, appengine ‘user’ service
  • LAB9
Week 11
  • Appengine datastore, databases overview,  transactions
  • LAB10
  • HW6
Week 12
Quiz 3 (Q3)
  • Javascript, DOM manipulation. Testing
  • LAB11
Week 13
  • Ajax, jquery
  • LAB12
Week 14 Final Project Presentation
Week 15
Critique and Review

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