
Grading Policy

  • Homework Projects                          :   15%
  • In-Class Quizzes (3)                       :   20%
  • In-Class Laboratory Work and Report        :   15%
  • Final Project (Report and Presentation)    :   30%
  • Project Website                           :   10%
  • Class Participation and Attendance         :   10%
  • Total                                      :  100%

Letter grades

  • A: 93-100, A-: 90-92.9,
  • B+: 87-89.9, B: 83-86.9, B-: 80-82.9,
  • C+: 77-79.9, C: 70-76.9,
  • D: 60-69.9,
  • F<= 59.90

Homework Assignments

There will be a biweekly homework assignment. The assignments have to be submitted on blackboard by the given due date. There will be a 20% late penalty for submitting an assignment after the due date. No assignment will be accepted after one week of the respective lab session.


There will be a total of three in-class quizzes. Each quiz will evaluate a PART of the course. QUIZ 1 evaluates PART I . QUIZ 2 evaluates PART II .  QUIZ 3 evaluates PART III. There is no makeup for a missed quizzes due to late arrival or absence.

Lab Reports

25% of the grade is based on laboratory work and timely submission of individual reports in Blackboard. Lab report submission deadline is exactly before the class ends. There will be a 20% late penalty for submitting a report after class. No report will be accepted after one week of the respective lab session.

Final Project

The final project will be, of course, the design and implementation of a computer-controlled system. The emphasis of the project will interactivity of physical and software components. The project can be done individually or by a team of no more than 3 students. The project life cycle will start on the second week and should be conclude by week 13.  The project should be correctly manged using project management methodologies, techniques, and tools.The outcome of the project will be the following.

A written report, complete with:

  • A set of detailed design specifications including drawings for fabrication, material, cost, etc. of a product
  • A text analyzing the design process and justifying the decision taken
  • Recommendations regarding safety, risks, potential problems, further developments.
  • User manual and guide
  • Video demo
  • Appendices including calculations, tests logs and other pertinent data.
  • A marketing plan and advertising material for commercializing product is encouraged but not required.
  • A physical Prototype of the product
  • Oral Presentation and Demo
  • Report, prototype visual material and oral presentation will be due on the 14th week of the course. The 15th week will be devoted to constructive critique and review of the course.

Academic Integrity Policy Statement

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion. Some examples of academic dishonesty are cheating, plagiarism, Internet plagiarism, obtaining unfair advantage, falsification of records and official documents, and collusion.

Attendance Policy

Under CUNY mandate, attendance in EACH class is REQUIRED and attendance WILL be taken at each class meeting. You are allowed a MAXIMUM of 3 absences. If you exceed that number, you may receive a WU grade. EXCESSIVE LATENESS (more than 5 minutes) will be considered to be an absence from that class meeting. Attendance will be taken at the start of each class and lab session and factored into the final grade. It is understood that sometimes things happen and a student will not be penalized if the student has an excused absence (such as a medical excuse) or if one has less than 3 un-excused absences.


All email to the instructor is suggested to be from an academic email account. Using any other public email account may cause email loss or rejection. Please always include (CET4711) in the subject line of your email.

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