3D Printing Article

According to the Harvard Business Review, 3D printing will sooner or later change the global market we have in place today. The author of this article, Richard A. D’Aveni, believes that with the development and popularization of 3D printing, the market of our world will no longer be globalized and will become one that is more local in its economy. With the rise and technical advances of 3D printing, D’Aveni believes that companies and corporations will be able to start manufacturing in major cities and then distribute from there; rather than having parts made in x,y, and z, and then all put together in one central area. Why the global economy is so favorable today is because of the labor cost across the waters. It is cheaper to manufacture products in China than it is in America (due to laws, regulations, and licensing). What does take a toll on prices are the transportation costs. By using 3D printers, not only are the cost of labor decreases, the cost of transportation will lower too.

