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Lab #9:Presidents Quiz

Now Presidents Quiz is the last lab we have to do in this course and I think so far it was my favorite. It’s literally a short quiz with about 3 questions asking about which American President was in office during a certain situation in history. I personally love history and would love to learn more about it (assuming it doesn’t become mandatory and ridiculously hard) and creating a short and easy quiz is pretty cool.


here’s a screen of what the coding looks like

As you can see it’s a lot of coding. It was serious man.

and here’s somewhat what the test will look like

it even allows you to pick what answers you want. So this was a pretty cool project and glad I learned how.

Posted in Coursework.

Lab #8 – Android Mash

Today we learned how to create a game using App Inventor. It’s sort of like Whack a mole but much more simpler. You basically try to tap the android sprite up to 5 times to win the game and allows you to play the game as many times as possible.


So here’s what the game looks like:


and here’s the Block windows used to make the game work.

Android Mash Block Window


It slightly amused me actually. I might do play it while I’m at home just for the hell of it.

Posted in Coursework.

Lab #7 – Paint Pot

In this lab we learned how to make another app called Paint Pot which allows us to mess around and paint on a background image of our choice. With a little help from the tutorial and a bit of logic we used blocks and buttons to set up this application to work, from changing the color of the buttons to having a canvas allowing users to draw lines on the image. It’s kinda like paint but with less features and you’re messing around on a image of whatever we posted.

anyways here’s the layout

Paint Pot 1


and the blocks

Paint Pot 2


Fun little project but I’m sure we’ll get a chance to mess around with something much cooler. Gotta start from the ground up.

Posted in Coursework.

Lab #5: Taking a Vacation!

Okay so this lab was a little easier to manage but it was still difficult to navigate at first. Sometimes the instructions aren’t specific enough and force you to trial and error to get it right. But whatever it’s done and finished. For this one we had to figure out the expenses to a family vacation.

So here’s the code

lab 5 code

and the result!
lab 5 result

Boom! Another lab down! Finishing these things feels good. Gawd.


Posted in Coursework.

Lab 4: PygLatin

Okay this was the most confusing and most difficult lab so far. The instructions and explanations didn’t really give me much to work with and had to do a serious amount of trial and error (and help from forums) to figure this one out. I usually finish my labs during class and just worry about the quizzes at home but this one I had to finish at a later date. But after a while and being utterly frustrated I finally got it done. As much of a headache this lab was, it was completed and I’m proud of myself once again.

anyways here’s the code
lab 6 code

and the result

lab 6 result


Hopefully the next lab won’t be as challenging as this one.


Posted in Coursework.

Lab 3: Date and Time

I’m back again for a new post! This time tackling date and time coding. This one took quite some time (literally the whole class period) to do. Had a little bit of trial and error but after a while I finally figured out how to do it. A little proud of myself getting through that challenge but it was a bit stressful. Either way, still got some progression out of it. Enough of this banter, here’s what the date and time code looks like:


date & time code


and the result of this coding is:

date & time result



Well. Another job well done.

Posted in Coursework.

Lab 2 Python 2: Turtle Blast

this was a confusing lab and required a lot of research to figure out. But once you get it you get it. The coding was a little odd but after looking it up it started to make sense. Needed to make the arrow turn right, then go forward a set distance and back the same distance for 100 times. Using random we were able to format this weird looking graph and I mean weird looking. but it’s art using coding so I’m totally okay with it.


Here’s the coding

Lab 2 Turtle Blast Coding


I set the arrow to Max to be a little different then the typical “alex” setting. Besides that here’s what it looks like.


Lab 2 Turtle Blast


Another Lab down!

Posted in Coursework.

Lab 1 – Python 1

Hey what’s going on guys. Just here to show you what I learned today in class. Ran the tutorial for Python and learn some cool stuff with it. Wasn’t really hard but a quite a fast learning process. I feel better and do better on practicals anyways.  It’s a small step but I’m beginning to get the hang of it. Give me another 3 months and we’ll see what I can really do with this program.

But first check out the progression

Lab 1 - 1

and the result

Lab 1 - 2


Productivity at it’s greatest and this is like the 3rd class day. Soon. Real soon.

Posted in Coursework.

Lab 0

Hey! Check this out



This is a first Python Program



print: “hi guys, my name is cliff”


Lab 0 (Cliff)



Posted in Coursework.


Hey guys, what’s up. Welcome to the Portfolio! Hopefully you like the design and everything this page has to offer. As for who I am? well I’m Clifford but most people call me Cliff (it’s short and easy). Just a simple guy who enjoys eating food, playing games, listening to a lot of music, talking to people and helping others when I can. Other than that I’m sure we have something in common. That’s it for introductions. Just gonna reiterate my welcome and hopefully you enjoy your stay.


Posted in Introduction.

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