Jeremy left me a few task via email. It included the 2017 canvas of images of some murals completed in 2016. These canvases are going to be presented to a few donors as a gift for their contribution towards Thrive Collective this year. I had to design a mailer that had the same mural image as the canvas on the front and the back had the details of Thrive Collective’s progress for 2017. The third assignment was to create postcards to sell on their website or if they wanted to mail someone they had them on hand. For the postcards I still have to wait for the murals to be completed. Only one mural is complete so far so I used that one as a template for the look of the others.

I built the task of the day so much in my head that I was nervous I would have messed it up. As simple as the instructions were I doubted myself and my skills. When I was not sure of how to do something in InDesign I didn’t want to ask for help. I was ashamed as a Senior I did not know how to do certain things and I did not want Jeremy regretting that he hired me. I know that asking for help is something I need to work on. In the mean time I looked up everything on Google and You Tube. Those two were lifesavers. I called Jeremy over for his feedback which I dreaded; what if he did not like anything I did. He was pleased, stating I was going in the right direction and stated what changes he wanted done. Not to bad compared to what was actually going on in my head. I have to say I am proud to see that I designed something that would actually be used in the real world compared to class projects only.