The culture of the workplace is very relaxed. We all wear informal clothes. Most times I go for the artsy, yoga instructor look. Thrive Collective has a floor in the Salvation Army Headquarters in Manhattan. Their space is open. They are four desk assigned to the main staff who comes in when they need to. I work at a desk that is the only one with a Mac computer next to Jeremy. Sometimes I work on my laptop on the sofa. I work Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays from 10-6.

At Thrive they is no typical structured work day. In the morning I message Jeremy through an app the organization uses called Slack. I ask him what he wants me to do for that day. Some days I am sent to the office to work on designs or come up with marketing / promotional ideas. Other days I am sent to schools that they collaborate with to help the artist. I take a thirty minute break 2:30. I am not told I have to go at that time but I like to set routines within my unstructured days.


 A day in the office