Blog 8_ My Inspirational Mentor

Posted by on Jul 5, 2017 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Jeremy Del Rio, Co Founder of Thrive Collective Having the opportunity to intern at Thrive Collective I found a mentor in Jeremy Del Rio. At first I found this post very difficult to write because they was no one in the office I saw as mentorship material. I pictured my mentor as a young, black […]

Blog 7 _ I Rate Myself

Posted by on Jul 4, 2017 in CDMG 4900 Internship | No Comments

Evaluating my performance at Thrive Collective I would say I am good. When asked to show up for projects and events I do so on time and with a smile on my face. I get along with everyone in the office and I ask how could I help them whether it is an artist, researcher, […]

Blog 6 _ Collaboration Not

Posted by on Jul 4, 2017 in CDMG 4900 Internship | No Comments

Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to work with or collaborate with anyone in the office in the a design sense. At Thrive Collective I am the only one right now who is working as a graphic designer. I am not sure if the full time person for the position is a freelancer or […]

Blog 5 _ Ask For Help

Posted by on Jul 4, 2017 in CDMG 4900 Internship | No Comments

Jeremy left me a few task via email. It included the 2017 canvas of images of some murals completed in 2016. These canvases are going to be presented to a few donors as a gift for their contribution towards Thrive Collective this year. I had to design a mailer that had the same mural image […]

Blog 4 _ I Am Learning

Posted by on Jul 4, 2017 in CDMG 4900 Internship | No Comments

I received my morning message from Jeremy stating that he wanted me and another intern to meet him at PS34. I usually do not ask what is the task, I just respond okay and show up. As I entered the school the school guard told me I could find Jeremy and the rest of Thrive […]

Blog 3 _ I Dress Like A Yoga Instructor

Posted by on Jul 4, 2017 in CDMG 4900 Internship | No Comments

The culture of the workplace is very relaxed. We all wear informal clothes. Most times I go for the artsy, yoga instructor look. Thrive Collective has a floor in the Salvation Army Headquarters in Manhattan. Their space is open. They are four desk assigned to the main staff who comes in when they need to. […]

Blog 2 _ I Got The Job

Posted by on Jul 4, 2017 in CDMG 4900 Internship | No Comments

I am interning this summer at Thrive Collective, a non profit organization that partners with urban public schools to bring the arts and mentoring back into these schools. My role as the Communication and Marketing Intern is to help manage Thrive Collective’s vision for their brand and creatively develop content for print, social and multimedia […]

Blog 1 _ About Thrive Collective

Posted by on Jul 4, 2017 in CDMG 4900 Internship | No Comments

The organization I am interning at this summer is called Thrive Collective. Thrive collective is a non profit organization that creates hope and opportunity through arts and mentoring in public schools. The full time staff consist of a small group of  five individuals, an executive director, creative director, senior project manager, media director and music […]