Tag Archives: uncertainty

The End of The Road?

I have come to the point in my internship where I managed to complete the required hours well almost a month ahead of schedule.

It’s both an exhilarating but almost unsure feeling. Unsure because even though I have completed the school requirements there is so much I want to still give and accomplish to this position.

I guess the real question is after Tuesday which is our team meeting with my supervisors permission and blessing do I continue or would it be wiser to tie up any loose ends and step back and use the time I devoted to my internship to other senior requirements.

It’s a sense of confliction I did not expect to feel. I’m not quite sure how to proceed. Perhaps I will ask my Professor’s advice and or pray on what course of action I should take.

Either way I feel as sense of also nervous excitement. It feels as if I’m stepping more and more into the untethered uncertainty of the Real World.