Tag Archives: hardships

Hitting the Creative Wall

It’s been a few weeks  since I was given the task of creating the concert reel and I’ve experienced numerous challenges that have slowed down the progress of where I thought I’d be 5 weeks into this task. The setbacks have ranged from managing my time with other senior school projects and regular work commitments as a social media manager to serious health setbacks. But the one setback I feel has affected and frustrated me the most has been hitting the creative wall.

As I delved into the reel and began to peel back the footage I’d placed on my timeline in Premiere I initially felt really good with where I was within the project but as I kept rewatching the visual story I was telling I was feeling as if I wasn’t effectively transitioning the  viewer from one aspect of the story to the next. With this came much frustration and doubt. Doubt in myself that I could get out of the corner I felt i’d somehow boxed myself in.

What I began to do to help myself was listen to various Spotify playlists. I also went to Youtube and began to to look at the reels of various other children’s hospitals and charities such as St. Jude and Children’s Miracle Network as well as the reels for the concert specials of such artists as Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez.

Taking the time to clear my mind and also study what others have done for those in a similar category gave me ideas and inspiration on how I could proceed with the footage I had. Which made me feel more confident with where I am headed  with the reel.

One of the other things that was a confidence booster for me was a meeting we had last week with an executive from Def Jam Records at Pat’s to hopefully secure a partnership. The label partnership would eliminate a large amount of the stress in producing the concert because we would have a headliner secured for each year and not have to do the scramble for one ourselves. The reason the meeting was a morale booster is because at Pat’s request I showed the label executive my first rough draft of the reel and she loved what I had put together thus far. It let me know that I’m on the right path if I could get a seasoned entertainment industry executive excited about the concert and the hospital it means I could get others such as the general public and sponsors to like them.

One of the things that was also challenging was feedback. After I sent the reel to Pat for her review some of the feedback she gave me I expected but the ones where she wanted to see more of certain people and things highlighted was interesting for me because I realized that I’d fallen so in love with the vision in my head of how I thought it should look and what I had already created that a part of me felt almost resistant to changing what I had done.