Getting An Internship

Getting my internship was a topic that caused me excitement and fear. The excitement came from knowing it signified it being part of the path to graduation and fully being out in the field but also caused me fear because I was afraid that I would be unable to find anything within my chosen module.

I began asking around at my workplace if anyone knew of anything but no did as far as my chosen field and I faced the daunting possibility of being one of the thousands who apply for internships to Viacom and get rejected.

I obtained my internship in a way that happened so perfectly it was as if I wrote in a script.

I met my internship supervisor Patricia, by chance. She came for a meeting with my boss, Nick Cannon about two years ago to discuss his upcoming charity concert for St. Mary’s Children’s Hospital which is located in Bayside, Queens. We only exchanged a brief hello. Last year due to personnel changes I was able to actually interact with Pat (as she likes to be called). It is through this interaction that she was able to get an idea of some of my capabilities and skills and I was able to gain knowledge on what she did. It was this interaction that brought me to a light bulb moment. I realized that I could bring skills that would be of use to her and St. Mary’s and complete my internship but of course it all hinged on whether she said yes or no.

A few days after last year’s benefit concert I stopped by Pat’s home which is also her office space and has been for the past 10 years. She and I sat down and I presented my case for interning with her and her team for the next years concert. I was thrilled and relieved when she said yes.

She let me know straightaway that it would be a lot of work but also very rewarding. Not only because I would be getting the college credit that I needed but  also because St. Mary’s cares for some of the sickest children within New York City and every little bit that is done to increase awareness or a helping hand is greatly appreciated and needed.

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