Don’t Fall In Love…Push Yourself

Don’t fall in love with a design. This is a phrase I’d heard many of my graphic design professors say but hadn’t really experienced how important those words would be for me till last week.

Last week is when I met what was a big decision that I felt would either go really great or really horrible. I decided to make somewhat big changes from the design I previously had. This decision was not entered into lightly and came about for several reasons.

After receiving feedback from my supervisor as well as asking fellow creatives and others to view my draft I  decided to add in the additional elements that Pat wanted. With these changes I ended up adding more elements but cutting back on some of my time which has lead to me having more time to fill. It does mean slowing down certain elements. I’m hoping that the elements I’m including from After Effects will help pace it correctly to get to the end successfully.

I’m adding photographs of past celebrities and performers and plan to animate the images on almost as if they’d come from a photo album. I’m adding photoshop created “polaroids” that will come in from the left and right as well as loose photos that will have photo tabs like those inside vintage photo albums.

Below is some of the “polaroids” I created to include in the reel.

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