Archive for September, 2011

It already happened to me once in 2008 when my professor mistakenly gave me a credit for a class work that wasn’t mine. The work was about a writing a simple code for a program software that computes your average grade. He acknowledged the work he thought I did all alone at the end of the class. My classmate who really did most of the work already left so I was on the situation where do I take the credit or explain to him that my other classmate did most of the job.

It clearly came to my mind to tell the truth about the classwork because I felt it’s wrong to take someone’s work for your benefit without giving them credit. It’s like stealing someone’s hard earned money. My professor then replied back and said he thought I did it because the other guy was like always slacking in the class and never came on time.  I understand what he was trying to say because at that point the guy was on the path of failing the class. So I said to my professor that may be he’s coming to realization of failing the class and wanted it to turned it around and passing it. The following meeting I told my classmate what happened and he was thankful for what I did.

There’s a saying “an apple a day keeps the doctors away”. This saying is commonly used because of couple things apple can do in your body. According to, apples help  control your insulin blood level that slows the release of sugar to  your blood stream. The site also mentioned when eating apple the risk of having different types cancer are decreased. I’m not saying that oranges don’t have any benefits on your body. The truth is they are rich in Vitamin C which fights off a lot diseases but your body needs more than that to fight disease. The skin of the apples can be also eaten and contain nutritions that help you fight diseases. Unlike oranges, you have to throw out the skin because you can’t eat those. Apples come in different colors too like red, green and semi yellow. So I think it’s not bad to try apple this time instead of eating oranges.

The site is well-organized and pretty much straight forward.  The webpage displays an enormous and variety of information about immigration, different types of visas and U.S. citizenship. I like how the site is organized from the bold color red and clear titles. I would like to darken a little bit the background color white because for me it’s just too bright.

In the right pane of the page, you can find “Where do I start?” which I find really easy to use and it actually gives you the categorized information and options of what you want to learn more about. This would make your search easier as it asks you directly what do you need. In addition, the Form I-765  wasn’t hard to find. The homepage itself has a big “search box”, right below the “Where do I start?” area. So I type the form I was looking for and it only took 3-5 seconds before a list of options appeared and the first option was the one I was looking for.

The first thing comes to my mind when thinking about what would be my career in IT industry is being a Network Administrator. However, I figured that the idea of getting this position is too broad and I thought I need to start somewhere before I could get into that position. So I went to to visit the site to find which job position is ideal for me after I graduate in New York City College of Technology. In Cisco’s home page, there are 5 categories at the very top and one of those is Training & Events. I moved over my mouse cursor to that category and a dropped down menu showed for what’s available in that category. One of the three sub menus available is Certifications. Below Certifications are certifications for each level depending on what level of expertise you are looking for. Under Associate level I clicked more to view certificates and positions in that field. Finally, I clicked CCNA Security which is the Cisco Certified Network Associate Security Certification.  The following page gave me brief information on what certified CCNA Security can do. In addition,  CCNA certification is a pre-requisite before you can get certification on CCNA Security.