Author Archives: Casterin

week 11

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Hello my fellow bloggers and readers this is the last post.  So we are left we me not knowing what i wanted to do in this field.  Well as for this blog it is a requirement for my hospitality marketing class.  So what have i learned thru my marketing class is how to network via social media.  A lot of people might frown upon social media but honestly without social media we would still be relying on word of mouth, and any other form of getting yourself out there before the internet.  I myself like using Instagram it is easier to use then any of the other apps that are available.  For the class i had to use twitter for the first time ever.  I don’t really care for it but during class we had to reach out to different organizations and some of them even replied back.  We also had to do a personal marketing plan which is what this is part of.  For my personal marketing plan i decided that i wanted to implement blogging as part of a way that i would reach out to my consumers of a restaurant that i maybe hope to own one day.  I feel like blogging gives people a sense of you.  Not from what you see on social media which is usually just picture but it gives you the opportunity to express yourself.  However besides blogging and avidly being on Instagram and Facebook i stated that i would make pamphlets and holding venues to show mangers how to become a leader and not just a boss. As long as your passionate about what you do you will never work a day in your life.  That is the motto i want to live by and that’s why this industry is leading me towards my passion.  I hope you enjoyed reading my journey.  I hope to accomplish many and great things.

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week 9

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Welcome back!  So we left off me coming back to city tech and enrolling in the hospitality management program.  I was so excited when i finally got to take my first baking class.  I was nervous this being the first time that i have ever attempted to make anything out of scratch.  Our first day of production well for us at leas we each made bread and Oh MY God was it good!! I have never had fresh bread before it was so delicious.  As the semester went on we made various things as well as bread my favorite had to be the sticky cinnamon buns wow where they good!!!.  I also took culinary one which I also thought it could be something that i would enjoy doing.  It turned out that it really wasn’t i had fun in class and learned the right techniques though of how to hold a knife how to even use a chef knife.  You see I’m Dominican so we get taught how to cook completely different.  There is no professional training there are no chef knifes.  So this was something knew to me and it took some getting used to cause i was so use to holding knifes and not using a chef knife but it has taught me the right way.  Baking two came around and we produces beautiful desserts that went to the dining room and were eaten by guest.  We really made some pretty desserts but by the end of the semester i realized that maybe baking is just not for me.  Culinary two was fun but also confirmed for me that cooking was not what is in store for me at least not cooking or baking professionally.  And this is where i am now.  I don’t know what i want to do in this field.  So as for projects that i have to do and hand in i simply choose what i know and that is the restaurant scene.  I have done most aspects of it with still some to learn but if worse comes to worse this is something that i know i would be able to do and to handle.  However I am still very open to seeing if anything jumps out at me and grabs my attention to something specific.  As for now restaurant management is the way to go and it doesn’t necessarily mean it being a stand alone restaurant it could be the food and beverage department of a hotel but who know’s i just gotta look deeper and figure out what it is that i want out of this industry.

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week 7

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Hello there welcome back to my journey in the hospitality industry thus far.  So now that i have been working at outback steakhouse and finished getting my associates in restorative dentistry.  What now where do i go form here?  Well i decided to continue my rout in what i was studying and was going for my bachelors in healthcare administration.  I took one semester off  and honestly thought to myself why am i doing this i don’t even like this major.  So i thought to myself what is it that i have done that brings me joy? It came to me in a form of a cupcake.  I had made some cupcakes a couple of times for my coworkers back in my ihop days and they seemed to love them.  So i decided that i was going to become a baker since i enjoyed making the cupcakes but enjoyed more the reactions and compliments.  I then asked an old acquaintance what school she went to for baking.  She told me that she went to ICE.  So I started doing my research looked up the school and made an appointment to get a tour of the school and talk about cost.  My friend Tim took the time out and accompanied me to the appointment.  The school was awesome and the opportunities to do something great was endless.  However the cost was way out of my range they said to apply for financial aid and then see if that lowers the cost some.  I did with a sad awaking that financial aid wouldn’t cover any of the schools cost and with a ridiculous payment plan that I in no way shape or form could afford.  The last option was getting a loan and I know better then to get myself into a student loan debt.  The money is so hard to pay back and i didn’t want to dig myself into a whole that i wasn’t going to be able to get out of.  So what did i do with trade school not being an option i looked else where.  I ended up right back at City tech cause i remembered always passing thru the second floor and always smelling the delicious things that were being made.  So i came back to city tech and switch my major and started at it.

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week 6

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Hello friends! So we left off with me being a manager at ihop.  After about a year of being a manager there I didn’t feel like it was the place for me.  I got hired as a hostess at buffalo wild wings in jfk airport.  Now this wasn’t something that i wanted to do take a pay cut and go back to where i started.  However i figured hey if it gives me the opportunity to be a server and make money why not.  So i worked for this company for about a month.  They had to let me go as soon as February because the busy season just ended.  I honestly was livid how dare they not tell me that this was temporary.  Or to have at least told me that you have a grace period at which anytime and point you could get the boot out the door cause they didn’t need me.  I asked to finish out the week since it was the least that they could have done they let me do so.  I don’t know if it was meant to be or what but i ended up getting a phone call to my current job Outback Steakhouse which i had applied to so long ago i had even forgotten that I did.  I called they back and was delighted that they wanted me to go in for a interview.  I was now less sour abut gotten let go of buffalo wild wings and saw a bright future ahead of me because i was now going to do what i wanted which was be a server.  I went in for an interview got a call back within three days telling me that they wanted me to join there team.  I was so happy!!!! I then went in for a menu class.  This is where they went over the menu and let us taste some of the appetizers that we as servers were to sell.  After this you have to take a menu knowledge test which i was so nervous to take but i did and i basically aced it with a few mistakes of coarse.  I was so happy to see that my hard work at studying got me where i wanted to be.  Then came the training 4 days worth of getting taught what to say how to say.  And this leaves me to where i am now a server studying hospitality management with now idea of what i want to do in the field.

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week 5

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We are back once again to go thru my journey that has led me here to the hospitality industry. After McDonald’s my school schedule opened up seeing to as the times of classes changed and I was able to get a regular job during the day time. I applied to my local Ihop as a hostess seeing that I have never had actual restaurant experience I thought this to be a great opportunity to learn. They hired me as a hostess and during the weekends they had what was called a hostess manager who would guide the hostess at our peak hours.  The hostess manager quit leaving me and another hostess to run the host stand by our selves when it was busy.  I did this for about six months.  After the six months my general manager saw my potential and offered me a floor manger position.  I accepted at the time i was studying restorative dentistry and just saw this as a job and something to make my resume look good little did I know that this was going to lead to my passion for the industry.

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week 2

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Well I’m back folks to talk more about what attracts me to this business. My first introduction to this industry was thru McDonalds. I worked here as I attend school to receive my associates in restorative dentistry. With a hectic schedule that left no time for my current job I had to leave and go to where I would get accommodated in regards to my school schedule. My younger brother was a manager at McDonalds and ensured me a overnight job in order for me to maintain money in my pocket and,  to finish paying off for school. I have never works in a fast food place before so this became to me the introduction to the hospitality business. I worked at McDonald’s for a couple of months cleaning up the place every night, making food, taking orders the works. It gave me the foundation to what I knew of the hospitality world.

Week 1

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What is my passion in the hospitality industry? That is a good question that I still don’t have n answer to. There are so many aspects of this industry that you can get into. At first I thought I wanted to be in the pastry arts making breads, beautiful desserts, and treats. However after taking baking one and two I realized that this is not where my passion lied. So where then would I go from here? What would I pick ? As of now that question still needs to b answered. But as for purposes need for me to complete assignments my passion shall lie in the restaurant industry. It is something that I have been doing for the past 5 years and that I am good at. I have hosted,managed, and serve which is what I currently do.


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