week 7

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Hello there welcome back to my journey in the hospitality industry thus far.  So now that i have been working at outback steakhouse and finished getting my associates in restorative dentistry.  What now where do i go form here?  Well i decided to continue my rout in what i was studying and was going for my bachelors in healthcare administration.  I took one semester off  and honestly thought to myself why am i doing this i don’t even like this major.  So i thought to myself what is it that i have done that brings me joy? It came to me in a form of a cupcake.  I had made some cupcakes a couple of times for my coworkers back in my ihop days and they seemed to love them.  So i decided that i was going to become a baker since i enjoyed making the cupcakes but enjoyed more the reactions and compliments.  I then asked an old acquaintance what school she went to for baking.  She told me that she went to ICE.  So I started doing my research looked up the school and made an appointment to get a tour of the school and talk about cost.  My friend Tim took the time out and accompanied me to the appointment.  The school was awesome and the opportunities to do something great was endless.  However the cost was way out of my range they said to apply for financial aid and then see if that lowers the cost some.  I did with a sad awaking that financial aid wouldn’t cover any of the schools cost and with a ridiculous payment plan that I in no way shape or form could afford.  The last option was getting a loan and I know better then to get myself into a student loan debt.  The money is so hard to pay back and i didn’t want to dig myself into a whole that i wasn’t going to be able to get out of.  So what did i do with trade school not being an option i looked else where.  I ended up right back at City tech cause i remembered always passing thru the second floor and always smelling the delicious things that were being made.  So i came back to city tech and switch my major and started at it.

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