Preparation for Internship


I had to do it mentally to prepare for the internship since it was my first time in this process. Our instructor welcomed us with a cordial greeting and immediately told us and explained what the internship really meant. As always, we have received instructions on how to get the job regarding the career area.

Communication has always been a way to express an idea and convey a message. This is when we must put all the knowledge we’ve gained throughout our careers. Besides being excited for graduation, we must create a sense of commitment, so that our skills can be refined and polished simultaneously. Take notes during all meetings and keep to-do lists of tasks and deadlines. Keep our workspace neat so your work is organized and out of the way when you are not around. Take care to observe data storage processes, if our organization keeps files in central locations, take note and observe and maintain records in accordance with policy.

I think that in order for us to be successful during this internship we have to follow some personal steps to achieve our growth such as:

  1. Meet our coworkers
  2. Set Goals
  3. Watch and learn, and be humble when getting tasks to do.
  4. Keep ourselves busy.
  5. Stay and keep ourselves and our environment organized.
  6. Time Management is critical for a successful internship.
  7. Keeping track of our projects.
  8. Keep networking as much as we can.
  9. Reflect our experience.
  10. Update our resume, and learn the most modern design styles to impress our potential employer.

Besides all of these recommendations listed above, most important is to have a positive attitude towards what we are going to learn, but at the same time put in practice all the knowledge that is being transferred to us in several ways.

Welcome to my portfolio and let’s get start a great semester with so much enthusiasm, professionalism, and ability to learn!