Professional Development Center’s Consultation, Appointments and Feedback.

Source: Freepik

On February 8th, I contacted the Professional Development Center (PDC) seeking guidance and advice on refining my resume and finding an internship. Christopher Millington, a PDC advisor, provided technical and professional review services and helped me develop a design-focused and formal resume that would be practical and functional for employers.

Source: Freepik

To find an internship, I used Handshake and the internship opportunities my instructor and department provided. I was invited to an interview via Zoom. We made a great connection and we spoke about the internship and processed for about an hour and a half. We discussed general information, expectations, deadlines, and previous experience during the interview. I also had a second interview at Brooklyn College but declined the offer as I had already accepted an internship at City Tech’s Public Affairs – Office of the President.

After the interview, I received a job offer, and I am set to start this week with Bradley Burford, the Public Affairs and Partnerships Manager at City Tech. Furthermore, we discussed various aspects of the internship, including scheduling meetings, remote work, and compensation. It was clear that the college only offers credit hours needed for graduation, meaning it is an unpaid internship. We agreed to meet on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before class.