6. Navigating Remote Work

Source: Image by Anna from Pexels

Working remotely comes with its own set of challenges, as everyone has different commitments and schedules. Coordinating a Zoom meeting that fits everyone’s availability was tough, but we managed to make the best of it. We only had mandatory meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Wednesdays were reserved for Sunnyside Chats, where we met with industry professionals.

To facilitate our meetings, we used When2Meet, a website where each team member can input their available times, making it easier to schedule meetings that worked for everyone. This internship was also my first experience working with such a large group and having a partner to collaborate with.

I quickly realized the importance of communication, transparency, and asking questions, especially when trying to meet tight deadlines. Since it was remote work, I couldn’t just walk over and ask questions in person, so sometimes I had to wait for responses. Despite these challenges, the overall experience was positive and instructive, helping me adapt to remote collaboration effectively.

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