2. About my organization

Sources: Photo by Edmond Dantes on Pexels

100 Roses From Concrete is a non-profit organization founded in September 2019 to support people of color in the advertising industry. The name is inspired by Tupac Shakur’s poem “The Rose That Grew From Concrete,” symbolizing the resilience and strength of people of color who thrive despite challenges in a predominantly white industry.

The organization offers several programs, including the G.R.O.W.T.H. (Giving Real Opportunity With Talent & Heart) Initiative, launched in March 2020. This ten-week program provides college students with real-life experience in advertising and marketing, allowing them to work in groups and with actual clients. Participants gain hands-on experience, enhancing their skills and preparing them for professional careers. This is the program I applied to and got in.

The program sometimes hosts Wednesday night Sunnyside Chats, where industry professionals share their insights and answer questions. I’ve attended some of those and find it provides valuable learning opportunities, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the advertising industry and discussing what has been successful and what hasn’t throughout their careers.

References: https://www.100rosesfromconcrete.com/growth-initiative

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