5. Wonderful Mentors

Photo by RDNE Stock project at Pexels

In this internship program, I was partnered with two mentors. We meet bi-weekly. Both mentors have been incredible and immensely helpful in my internship experience. On of my mentors shared his journey into a design career, which resonated with me as we both started with traditional art before transitioning into digital design.

My other mentor is a previous participated in the GROWTH initiative program in 2022 and shared valuable insights from his time there. His experiences have been extremely helpful in anticipating what lies ahead. He also shared his final presentation and the work he did as an art director during the program, which provided a practical perspective on what to expect from my role.

Through this program, I have been able to expand my network and make meaningful connections. One of my goals this summer is to enhance my LinkedIn profile. I have realized the importance of having strong professional connections. As an introvert, reaching out and putting myself out there can be challenging, but I have learned to take small steps. The worst that can happen is someone says no, and that’s okay. As a designer, it’s important to establish a presence in the industry. How else will people know who I am or what I can do? Building a network is essential for growth and opportunities in the design field.