7. Self-Reflection

Sources: Photo by Erinada Valpurgieva on Unsplash

As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs and discussions, I am accustomed to working independently since I typically don’t work in groups in class. I often took on multiple roles, such as strategist, copywriter, and designer. Working with a group of 11 people, including myself, was a new experience that required adjustment. I sometimes forgot that I had an entire team supporting me and needed to remind myself to ask for help when needed.

Additionally, navigating remote work presented its own challenges. I had to wait for responses and be considerate of everyone’s schedules, as some had other internships, jobs, or commitments. This sometimes made it difficult to coordinate meetings via Zoom, but we made the best of it, and everything worked out in the end.

During the third week, we had to switch clients and create entirely new presentation decks. I viewed this as a minor bump in the road, reflecting real-world experiences where clients might unexpectedly stop working with you. Despite these challenges, my overall experience was positive. I was able to make connections and grow, particularly in my communication skills and in expressing my thoughts and ideas, which is something I’ve struggled with. It was wonderful to collaborate with a team and work on a PSA that will be aired in the fall.

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