Assignment 10

To encourage your organization of your project and clean and perfect professional workflow will be grading the file structure in G team as a separate assignment instead of part of assignment eight as indicated in a in assignment eight.

Below is a list of assignments should be included in that file subdirectory for your midterm submission.

Project Assignments

  • 01 Zoning Massing (on blackboard)
  • 02 Design Massing (on blackboard)
  • 03 Site Plan (on blackboard)
  • 04 FAR
  • 05 Structural Grid
  • 06 interior plans [w/ stairs and elevators]
  • 07 structural skeleton w/phasing
  • 08 Structural Skeleton PDF
  • 09 Rebar Details
  • 10 G team file structure

The complete structure naming conventions and folder outline was posted on the week by week power points and on the following blog post:

Assignment 5

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