Zoning Massing

Each team assigned to research the zoning requirements for the project site and collect all the required text and diagrams. Once all the zoning information is compiled a zoning model will be developed which will illustrate setback heights and depths, easements (if any), sky exposure planes. The result will be a parametric conceptual mass that respects these parameters. It is advised that the origin for your massing coincides with the origin for the site plan.


Design Massing

Each team member will develop their design massing. This massing must fit within the confines of the zoning envelope, respecting property lines and neighboring buildings. Each team must coordinate with their teammates to fit each massing on the site and start to consider how the three massing’s will work with one another. It is advised that the origin for your massing coincides with the origin for the site plan.


Site Plan

Each team is to develop a detailed site plan for their site. The site in question is 285 Jay Street, Brooklyn NY. The site plan should take into consideration:

  •  Traffic flow
  •   Curb cuts
  •   Landscaping (hard-scape / soft-scape)
  •   Public right of way
  •   Neighboring buildings
  •   North direction
  •   Other existing conditions
  •   Project origin

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