AutoCAD workshops and online one:one help are NOW available, See:

AutoCAD workshops and online one:one help are NOW available, See:
Welcome to the Fall 2022 semester and the Building Technology 2 course
On this website you will find the syllabus, software used, textbooks, schedule, lecture notes, assignments, support information and more.
This website is constantly being updated and tuned please check back regularly.
This semester there 5 sections of BT2 they are as follows:
Class, Section | Days & Times | Room | Instructor |
19849, D066 | TuTh 8:00AM – 10:05AM | V-834B | Eban Singer |
19876, D068 | TuTh 10:30AM – 12:35P | V-834B | Zagaroli III,Robert |
17913, D075 | TuTh 2:30PM – 4:35PM | Tu V-814, Th V-812 | John Chu |
57188, D076 | TuTh 2:30PM – 4:35PM | V-833 | Alexander Aptekar |
19877, E078 | TuTh 6:00PM – 8:05PM | V-812 | Alexander Aptekar |
Thursday, April 28nd, 8:30am-4:30pm
In lieu of a field trip please attend 2 of the following Ecofest panels sections.
Create a minimum 4 slides per panel for each panel you attend.
You may attend additional panels for extra credit.
Panels :
EcoFest 2022 Conference webinar registration:
EcoFest 2022 promotional video:
We will be meeting as usual on Tuesday 4/26. In class we will discuss a βvirtual field tripβ Connected to ecofest 2022.
29828 D618-LEC Aptekar
Th 3:30PM – 5:35PM In Person
29791 HE28-LEC Aptekar
Th 6:00PM – 8:05PM Online-Synchronous
Emailed question:
I’m not understanding the part of how we get the footing depth.
Design a strategy follows:
When I print my drawing as PDF, my furniture drawing has few line weight is heavy than others. I use the same layer, but it still comes with heavier line than others. I attached two images of the issue.
There are several reasons this could be occurring. there are similar colors that might not be clear when you view your file in model space make sure your line is of a color that’s set to a line thickness. There are also overrides for elements that are blocks or groups check that the line is set to print lineweight as layer color.
Welcome to the Spring 2022 semester and Building Technology 2 course
On this website you will find the syllabus, software used, textbooks, schedule, lecture notes, assignments, support information and more.
This website is constantly being updated and tuned please check back regularly.
This semester there 3 sections of BT2 they are as follows:
29828 D618-LEC [Aptekar, Alexander]
Tu 3:30PM – 5:35PM Voorhees V-812 (In Person)
Th 3:30PM – 5:35PM Voorhees V-833 (In Person)
29791 HE28-LEC [Aptekar, Alexander]
Tu 6:00PM – 8:05PM Online-Synchronous
Th 6:00PM – 8:05PM Voorhees V-834A (In Person)
63923 HD20-LEC Regular [Samaha, Anthony]
Tu 3:30PM – 5:35PM Voorhees V-834A (In Person)
Th 3:30PM-5:35PM Online-Synchronous
Hi all. Want you to be prepared for tomorrow so a few key points:
Please be at the location at the link at 2:30pm tomorrow, as our tour will start at 3pm: It will be the building with the bright orange fins around all of the windows. If its cold and you’re hanging out somewhere just text me at 917 971-6776 and I’ll tell you when to come to the building.
I’ve attached an assignment to submit to blackboard by Friday evening. Review it before getting to the site so you have ideas of what to ask, but please don’t limit yourself to just what I wrote. You should fill this out some time after class time.
Don’t forget your hardhats!!!!
4697 Third Avenue Field Report
Prof. Anthony Samaha
If you cannot attend in person field trip, please see the Virtual Fieldtrip assignment linked here.
>AutoCAD Workshop <Albert Vargas Wednesdays 7PM – 8PM
>Revit Workshop <JeanPierre Gomez Mondays & Wednesdays 5PM – 6PM
> Intro to Rhino+Adobe Workshop <Joshua Garcia Thursdays 12PM – 2PM
> Intermediate Rhino Workshop <Joel Cardenas
Tuesdays 7PM – 8PM
> Intermediate Adobe Workshop <Laurin Moseley
Tuesdays 6PM – 7PM
> Advanced Rhino+Render Workshop <Hito Rodriguez
Saturdays 10AM – 11AM
> ArcGIS Workshop <Freddy Ruiz
Mondays 6PM – 7:30PM
> Organic 3D Modeling: Grasshopper Workshop <Yevgeniy Koramblyum
Fridays 11AM – 1PM
Fall 2021 Special Topic Workshops
SEPT 21 & 28> Embodied Carbon Workshop < Victoria Ereskina
Tuesdays 6:30PM – 6:30PM 21, OCT 19 & NOV 23 > Digital Fabrication Workshop: Prep Files < Joshua Garcia
Tuesdays 1PM – 2PM 28 & NOV 2 > Zoom Workshop: Basics < Laurin Moseley Tuesdays 3PM – 4PM 12 & OCT 19 > Revit: Parametric Paneling Workshop < JeanPierre Gomez Tuesdays 6:30PM – 7:30PM 28, NOV 4 & NOV 11 > 3DSMax Workshop < Albert Vargas Thursdays 5PM – 6PM 13 & NOV 20 > After Effects Workshop < Joel Cardenas Saturdays 2PM – 3PM
NOV 16, NOV 23 & NOV 30 > Portfolio Workshop < Laurin Moseley
Tuesdays 6PM – 7PM
TBA > Advanced BIM Workshop: Curtain Wall & Thermal Analysis < Nicholas Soniprasad TBA
TBA > Building Performance Workshop < Uroosa Ijaz TBA OneOne_Help Sessions.pdfSpecial Topic Workshops_Fall 2021.pdfWorkshops Series_Fall 2021.pdf