Category Archives: Uncategorized

scaling the pdfs

Question: I am having a really hard time scaling the pdfs in the paper space I scale the photos to the right height in the model mode using the scale bar at the bottom of each of the maps and … Continue reading

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Plotting PDF

Professor Iā€™m having trouble making my PDF, I canā€™t see some of my work and I also I canā€™t see part of the title block information. I donā€™t know why I checked many times to see whatā€™s wrong it and … Continue reading

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help iii. 3D model views (at least 3 views extracted from the 3d model) all major structural elements should be included no walls nonstructural walls required (youā€™re welcome to do a second 3-D massing which shows the wall) include an … Continue reading

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Picture in to Rhino

Hello professor, the section image that Iā€™ve been using on autocad wont download properly on rhino it keeps appearing black everytime. I would try importing the picture into one of the orthogonal views like front or right as opposed to … Continue reading

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You can receive extra credit for attending the departments AUTOCAD WORKSHOPS. Simply inform the instructor that you would like the credit and that you are a Building Technology II student and the instructor will let us know of your participation … Continue reading

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Question: On Monday you spoke about a submission for today to include PDFs for site plan, structural plan and floor plan. I was not seeing an area in blackboard to do the submission. Additionally, Prof A(ptekar) mentioned on Thursday to … Continue reading

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3 Auto CAD files

Your submittal should consist of three auto CAD files as follows: Site Maps Structural Grid iii. Floor Plan (varies depending on the level you are doing) For the ā€œSite Mapsā€ part import three different map image files at three different … Continue reading

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Assignment A -1

Per your emails requests to me to changes to deliverables that are now due at 9 PM and have posted some class notes. See the open lab section ā€œlecture notesā€

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HVAC plan notes

This is a sketch of the ERV {heat recovery ventilation} system that should be hard lined over your plan. Complete the key and described each of the elements in your HVAC plan.

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Student assignment A2 question

Do you want us to do 3 separate 3DĀ files for each floor plan or do we make them and just join them all at once under one file? You should have one 3-D model file or 2-D drawing which is … Continue reading

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