footing key

How far does the key go into the footing?

Concrete of type the typical for foundations well in increments of an 1/2 inch. Smaller increments have a risk of not casting properly. A good key to mention for this project would be 3 inches on top by 2 inches in depth by 1.5 inches at the base.

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king stud

I was wondering what the king stud is supposed to look. Could I get a photo of how a king stud supposed to look at windows, and doors?


See the links below for appropriate examples.

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L shape roof

Should the roof be in a square shape or in a L shape for the high performance house? The plan has a cantilever so should we make it square or keep it L shaped?

Yes, you may have to do a square roof. Your roof configuration will depend on the size and shape of your cantilever. For example, some students have their cantilever projecting just a few feet off of the 2nd floor thus preserving the L shape.

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I am confused as to how the architectural casework is supposed to be shown in the plans.

Casework is shown in the architectural plans only. Use the lightest lines to indicate casework. Items that should be considered casework include kitchen counter and bathroom fixtures. Typically, furniture that is movable he is not included in architectural plans.

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notebook scan

Question: Do you want an email scan of our books or will they be collected next class?

Response: Yes, I reviewed students notes after class. We also gave students the option to scan and upload their notes if they preferred, see the assignment on blackboard.

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Question: Are you collecting notebooks today (10/17) or next week? I heard there was some talk about it but I didn’t catch on which day will it be.? 

Response: Yes, we are collecting notebooks today (10/17) for the 2:30pm and 6pm sections.

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reflecting pond

Question: A few more questions, since the plan doesn’t show any doors are we supposed to add them? And what is this big rectangle at the back of the house supposed to represent? 

Response: Yes, you should add some doorways to the project. Focus your work on organizing your files, precision and accuracy rather than complexity in your design.  Be sure to refer to the pictures to identify items in your plan. I believe that item is actually a reflecting pond and that actually it is only on the large side of the supporting wall. The plans may not reflect perfectly the built conditions.

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interior wall thickness

Question:  As I was doing the floor plan for the Ault House I noticed that most of the interior walls are only 3” thick. I already scaled the drawing before for the basement plan. Do I just leave them at 3” or make them 6” instead?

Response:  A typical dimension to use for interior walls is 4 ¾” or 5 inches (for interior finishes) see the attached sketch.

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Workshop Survey:

Please, complete the link survey so the department can determine what are the best times four these workshops.

Best Times for AutoCAD Workshop Survey:


Best Times for Revit Workshop Survey:

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title block does not show

I am currently making the pdfs and whenever I do them the text in red from the title block does not show. Do you know why that is?

Check your layer is set to print, use the “LA” command to open the layer profiles manager and make sure the layer is set to printing. Change the settings from figure 1 to figure 2.

figure 1

figure 2

Note: Checking for errors like this one, is one of the reasons this is the second assignment for which we asked you to print PDFs. Getting the prints accurate and with good graphic line weights is an important part of making a good drawing set.

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