Author Archives: Alexander Aptekar

HVAC plan notes

This is a sketch of the ERV {heat recovery ventilation} system that should be hard lined over your plan. Complete the key and described each of the elements in your HVAC plan.

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Student assignment A2 question

Do you want us to do 3 separate 3D files for each floor plan or do we make them and just join them all at once under one file? You should have one 3-D model file or 2-D drawing which is … Continue reading

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CAD lines going all over the place

Question: Why are my lines going all over the place when I switched to pay-per-view from model? Your model space drawings were created with three-dimensional information, you are actually drawing in a 45° view. So when you switch to a … Continue reading

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Welcome to the 2018 fall semester of Building Technology 2 Here you should find the resources including video tutorials, reference material, and readings for you are Architecture classes here.

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