Author Archives: Alexander Aptekar

Beam sizing

Question: I was trying to calculate the beam to use in my building. Can you check the attachment to see if it’s correct? Answer: Yes, that works with the table Architect Studio Companion Question: I also need help with finding … Continue reading

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Wall thicknesses

Question: Is it okay if my exterior walls for the Cooper Residency are 13” thick and the interior ones 6”? Response: Yes, 13” is a good estimation of what a high performance wall might equal. Interior walls are typical typically … Continue reading

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elevation development

A good start, I can review drawings online during class. some quick thoughts on improvements: you should add a heavy weighted that line indicates the ground level. the lines of your cantilever are too heavy you should add elevation markers … Continue reading

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6:00 PM BT2 video conference link

The 6:00 PM Building Technology II class will connect today via Blackboards distance learning tool, see the announcement on blackboard. The Blackboards announcement contains a link to the video conference.

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MARCH 12th BT2 Support

Per CUNY requirements we will be switching over to a line format over the next few days. Today during class time, we will be utilizing online applications. Class will not meet in our classroom, we will be working on line. … Continue reading

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Revised class schedule

(this schedule is subject to change) 0_ARCH2331_Schedule_2020S

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reading assignments due date

Question: When are reading assignments due? Response: You should complete your reading assignments with notes in your sketchbook the same time as the rest of the assignment. [I will be periodically correcting your sketchbooks with notes in class so in … Continue reading

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Grid on the image

Question1: I was trying to figure out how to put grid on the image can you please tell me. Response: Can you be a little bit more descriptive with your question? The grid should be drawn using the grid line … Continue reading

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reading assignment

Question: You had mentioned a reading assignment in class. I am having trouble finding where it was posted. I was wondering if you could help me find it. Response: typically, I give the reading assignment on the slide during the … Continue reading

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walls hatch

Question: Where on blackboard should we post and should we hatch the walls on our drawings? Response: You will now find and upload location in the content section of the class blackboard site. Do not hatch your walls, use heavy … Continue reading

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